4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face
4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face


4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

If you believe that newlyweds have the best sex life, then you’re wrong. Many newlywed couples face severe problems in physical compatibility which often leads to issues and disputes in the marriage. With emotional and physical attachment tied together couple, it’s difficult to leave sex out, because ultimately, it plays a huge role in one’s intimate life. 

1. Use of contraceptives

4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

Many men are inexperienced when it comes to sex couple. And so, they might not know how to use a condom. Such men get embarrassed at that moment, causing them to lose their erection. The wife also doesn’t know how to respond to this situation and so, it becomes a very humiliating matter.  Hence, here are some of the most identifiable sex problems that newlyweds face. The prevention of unintended pregnancies helps to lower maternal ill-health and the number of pregnancy-related deaths. Delaying pregnancies in young girls who are at increased risk of health problems from early childbearing and preventing pregnancies among older women who also face increased risks, are important health benefits of couple family planning.

2. Lack of passion

4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

If a man prematurely ejaculates or if the woman fails to orgasm the first few times, the couple tends to assume that their sex life is set to doom. Without passion the first few times, it becomes way too dull, and hence, couples avoid getting into intimate situation. In such cases, one must remember that great sex only happens with time and practice. 

It’s hard to believe that you share about 98% of your DNA with a creature causing you this much panic. Most of us don’t like to think of ourselves as animals, let alone primates. We prefer to understand ourselves as higher beings — human beings, to be exact, not at all similar to the apes roaming the wild terrain. 

But reality tells a different story, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. As a sex therapist, I have come to understand that this reality has much to do with what turns you on, and whether or not you enjoy your sex life.

3. Doubts about frequently having sex

4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

Newlywed couples are usually at the peak of their sexual desire, just after marriage and they love to make out or have sex at least a few times a day. However, after a point, they get uncomfortable at the thought of how much sex is really normal for both. One might feel too needy than the other, which can be uneasy after some time. 

Sex indeed comes with multiple benefits but that does not mean that it should be a daily and compulsory chore of life. It is completely fine for you to restrict the number of times you have sex in a day or week. This is because it does not always happen that both partners want to have sex at the same time or as frequently as the other one. 

Moreover, it is the willingness of both partners that makes the carnal act more gratifying and enjoyable. Forcing someone to have sex is known as sexual coercion and is not advisable.

4. Believing certain myths

4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

The age-old myth of a woman bleeding on her first night signifying her virginity still exists. And if she doesn’t, the husband immediately rejects her, and hence, problems arise in the marriage. Additionally, if a man isn’t able to satisfy the woman, he becomes the center of all jokes, creating utmost pressure on them.

 Whether you’re a beginner or an expert in the field of sex and intercourse, extra knowledge can never do any harm. Many of us have always had numerous questions regarding se in our mind, which we either overlook or feel embarrassed to ask our close ones about. While there are many things about sex we can learn through experience and/or through external materials, there are certain things that can only be unraveled after the deed is done and the ugly consequences are left for us to bear.

 That being said, there are common beliefs or myths about sex that are completely false.

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