

1. Monte Cristo Homestead, Australia


 Community Of Monte Cristo

Christopher William Crawley first built the mansion in 1885, where he lived with his wife Elizabeth most horror place in the world their seven children, and a series of servants. Crawley was a wealthy farmer and landowner who had made his fortune in Junee, a small town in the Riverina region after the Great Southern Railway Line opened in 1878. With the success of his hotel and land sales, Crawley was able to retire early and began construction on his Monte Cristo Homestead.

Monte Cristo Homestead was a status symbol for the Crawley family and was a social hub for the town’s most wealthy. Despite all the glamour, the Crawleys are said to have been holding onto many dark secrets and tragedies so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

Death at the homestead was common in their

Monte Cristo’s spooky history began with the staff. A young maid is said to have fallen to her death from the second-story balcony. A bleach stain still remains where the blood was attempted to be removed, and footsteps can be heard pacing the top balcony in the middle of the night. Some even see the outline of a female figure on the balcony, too.

The Crawleys weren’t immune from the deathly Monte Cristo, either. Their youngest daughter, a 10-month-old baby, died when her nanny accidentally dropped her down the stairs. Some claim it was on purpose, while others have ruled it as an accident so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

Haunting Of the Ryan family

Monte Cristo Homestead remained empty for over a decade after the last Crawley left in 1948. In 1963, Olive and Reginald Ryan purchased the now run-down manor for only £1000. With the hopes of returning Monte Cristo’s main homestead to its former glory, the Ryan family also had the servant’s quarters, the dairy, the stables, a ballroom, and a plethora of acres to care for and restore.

Bone-chilling paranormal experiences were part of everyday life for the Ryan family, as they raised their children and renovated the homestead over the coming years. Olive claims to have had her name called out multiple times, only to find no one there. All the children have also reported sightings of figures in old-fashioned clothes and have felt cold hands on their shoulders so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

The homestead days

Since 1993, the Ryan’s have turned their home into a ghost-hunters paradise. Ghost tours, a doll museum, an antique store, and a spooky bed and breakfast stay have seen people from all over the world flock to the little town of Junee to see Australia’s most haunted house.

Those who have stayed overnight in the homestead have also reported weird voices in the distance, and footsteps in the hallways. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the homestead is a creepy reminder of the Property’s gruesome past so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

2. Aradale Lunatic Asylum, Australia


13,000 deaths in 130 years: Ararat Lunatic Asylum is the most haunted place in Australia.

Now Australia’s largest abandoned mental institution, when Ararat Lunatic Asylum, or Aradale Mental Hospital as it later became known, was closed in 1997, it had seen 13,000 deaths in its 130 year history.

Opened in 1867, that averaged out to be 100 deaths a year. Patients, prisoners, and staff included.

Located about 205 kilometers away from Melbourne once upon a time Ararat was used to relieve the prison system of those thought to be the most criminally insane and irreparably evil, however, it also became a place for individuals suffering from mental illness, post-natal depression and conditions such as epilepsy, autism or Down Syndrome.

At any one time, the old Victorian structure was home to roughly 1,000 patients and 500 staff.

Today the building is used for ghost tours where reports of visitors unexpectedly fainting, feelings of nausea and pains while walking through certain rooms, wards with ominous smells, and “methodical banging sounds” like patients hitting their heads against walls, are commonly noted so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

3. Highgate Cemetery, England


Yes, we’re well aware that cemeteries aren’t always the first choice when it comes to watching it. But when that cemetery is one of London’s ‘Magnificent Seven’, you know you’ll see some magnificent sights. Highgate Cemetery, along with its six siblings, represents the finest in Victorian burial traditions, and it’s actually a very nice place for a wander.

We’ll get obvious out of the way nice and early there are bodies in here. It’s not going to be a place that everyone is going to visit – but it’s hardly of concern for the squeamish. The bodies are all buried after all…

Highgate Cemetery is the resting place of 170,000 people, and it’s not full yet. People are still buried here today, but you have to meet certain criteria if you’re eyeing up a spot – either you must be over 80, or you must have a terminal illness. Anyway, cheerful stuff aside, there are some impressive sights to see here, as you’d expect from a place that’s been growing and changing since 1839.

Highgate Cemetery has some celebrity residents, probably the most famous of which is Karl Marx. Devoted Communist and noted beard lover, his grave features a large statue of himself, which has survived being blown up by fervent capitalists. In one of London’s great ironies, you’ll have to pay a £4 fee to see his grave, because it is (shock horror) private property so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

4. The Tower Of London, England


During its 900 years of existence, the Tower of London has earned the reputation of being one of the most haunted places in the UK.

Thomas A. Becket

Thomas A. Becket is one of the first ghosts seen in the tower. When the Inner Curtain Wall was still in construction, Thomas seemed to be very unhappy about it and reduced the wall to rubble with the strike of his cross.

The grandfather of Henry III was said to be the reason for Becket’s death, so he built a chapel in the Tower for the Archbishop. People believe that Becket was pleased with the chapel’s construction because no further interruptions were reported after the incident with the Inner Curtain Wall so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

Arbella Stuart

Arbella Stuart is one of the castle’s most famous ghosts. She was once seen as a potential successor to Queen Elizabeth I. It is said that her ghost stays in The Queen’s House on Tower Green.

According to records, Arbella Stuart married the nephew of Lady Jane Grey, William Seymour. The marriage was thought of as a threat to the crown, and it did not have the permission of King James I.

Arbella was put under house arrest at Lambeth while her husband William was sent to the tower. Arbella plotted to get William released to travel together to France. However, William missed the rendezvous.

Arbella set sail all alone, but she was recognized and was sent back, this time to the Tower. William, on the other hand, made it to freedom. She stayed there until she died in 1615 in The Queen’s House at the age of 39.  It is believed that she was murdered in the castle so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

Anne Boleyn’s Ghost

The most persistent of all ghosts in the Tower of London is that of no other than Queen Anne Boleyn. She was married to King Henry III. She was arrested and taken to Tower Green and was beheaded on the 19th of May, 1536.

Several sightings of Anne Boleyn have been reported. She appears close to the site where she was executed and has also been seen leading a procession down the aisle of a chapel. Several people have reported seeing her headless body walking the Tower’s corridors so, that is why it comes under the list of the most horror place in the world.

The Young Princes

The Bloody Tower is a place that conjures up horrible images. There is the story of the two young princes, Edward V and his brother Richard, who were declared illegitimate by Parliament and sent to the tower. They were often seen playing happily around the grounds but suddenly vanished and were never seen again.

It was assumed that they were murdered by order of their uncle, the Duke of Gloucester. Two skeletons, believed to be the children, were unearthed beneath a staircase in the White Tower.

The ghosts of the children are often seen wearing nightgowns clutching each other in terror in the castle’s rooms. They are also heard throughout the Tower so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

The White Lady Ghost

There is also the White Lady of the massive White Tower. The White Tower is one of the oldest and most foreboding buildings, and it is the eerie haunt of the White Lady. She was said to have stood once at a window waving to little children at the building on the opposite side. Her cheap perfume fills the air upon your entrance to St. John’s Chapel.

The Violent Entity

Guards of the Tower of London have reported having a terrible crushing sensation upon entering the place where King Henry’s VIII impressive suit armor is exhibited.

A guard patrolling the grounds reported a sensation of someone throwing a cloak over him. When he tried to free himself, the cloth was seized from behind and pulled tightly around his throat by his unseen attacker so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

5. Mark King’s Close, Scotland


Like most streets of the time“the Close” had buildings several stories high that closely hemmed it in. In the 1600’s it was common practice to throw human waste out the windows onto the street below–so the upper and middle classes lived on the top tiers away from this filth while the poor lived on the street level.

Alexander King who was an advocate to Mary Queen of Scots named this Close after his daughter Mary. He owned several properties in the Close. Mary had a stall on the street where she sold lace.

When the bubonic plague hit in 1645 this street was ravaged. Families that had a sick person in their homes had an “X” chalked on their door. Food was dropped off on their doorstep. No contact was allowed for six weeks–except for the plague doctor– until the ill person either died or recovered. When possible the ill were moved to a plague hospital.

When many of these victim’s bodies were burned to prevent the spread of the disease it is said that their ashes were mixed with horsehair and dirt and then was used to construct ceilings in the Close.

Many years after this outbreak when no one lived in Mary King’s Close it was walled up and closed for the next 100 years. But the street had so many dark mysteries connected to it that a myth started to circulate that the Close had actually been walled up during the plague outbreak and that many people who were ill were closed within its walls. To the chagrin of many this myth still persists today.

Because this street was walled up it is well preserved. The visitor today–250 years later– can still see the original buildings and layout.

Mary King’s Close most famous ghost is that of a little girl nicknamed, Annie. In 1992 a Japanese psychic was startled when she entered a small room in the Close. She immediately felt sickness, hunger and a bitter cold envelop the room. She then felt the presence latch onto her leg.

Others have received the message that Annie is sad because she lost her favorite toy. So countless visitors have left Annie gifts in the small room that is now named after her.

Most believe that Annie’s family probably left her behind when she became ill with the plague.

Other activity in the Close includes phantom footsteps walking up and down the empty street and visitors and guides have seen a ghost of a lady wearing a black or grey dress. The ghost of Mary–Alexander King’s daughter is seen.Witnesses have also reported seeing masculine figures in the Close that just disappear when approached. In fact, some of these sighting were reported back before the street was walled up.

In one particular chimney strange noises are heard. When people have put their hands inside they are sometimes scratched.

In 2008, a photo taken by accident is now considered solid proof that the Close is haunted.

Late one Saturday night, the general manager, Stephen Spencer was checking an infrared camera installed to take pictures of tour groups as souvenirs.

As Spencer stood in the street he snapped several photos, he then returned to his office to turn the computer system off. He looked at the photos he had taken and realized that one of them had captured an interesting image.

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