Chateau De Brissac, France


In fact, it was a castle until the 15th century when King Rene of Anjou altered over sixty castles and great homes in Anjou into chateaus. Among these structures, Brissac is one of the most beautiful and most scariest place in the world.

The castle is the tallest in France and exudes old-world charm but one of its earliest residents has shocked more than one visitor.

In its history, this stately structure was destroyed rebuilt and even abandoned for a while in the late 1790s. It survived Nordic attacks, the Huguenots, the English occupation, and the Jacobins. 

Generations of the same family who gained their title from its name have been haunted by one specific entity. A double murder that occurred in the 15th century within its walls resulted in the Chateau de Brissac being renowned for a ghost called la Dame Verte, the “Green Lady”.

The castle was first built in the 11th century under the reign of King Philip II of France. When France defeated the English the king gave the property to Guillaume des Roches that’s why it comes in the list of the top 5 scariest places in the world.

In the 15th century, Pierre de Breze who was the chief minister of King Charles VII rebuilt the castle. His son Jacques de Breze the grand seneschal of Normandy inherited the chateau and married Charlotte of France. he marriage between Jacques and Charlotte was not a h

Louis XI, Charlotte’s half-brother, was outraged when he heard the news. He immediately vowed revenge. He had Jacques arrested and thrown in prison for several years. 

He convinced the court to sentence de Breze to death and confiscate all of his property. But in the end, Jacques prevailed, he gave all of his property to the king who spared his life. 

Louis XI then gave Jacques’ property to Louis de Breze, his nephew who also was Jacques’s son. But just three years later Charles VIII, Louis XI successor overruled the judgment and restored Jacques’ titles and lands

After this, the Cosse family took ownership of the chateau in the 15th century. This family acquired the title Dukes of de Brissac at this time—today the current Duke of Brissac and his family still live at the chateau. 

For generations, this family has encountered the apparition of The Green Lady. This ghost is often seen walking in the tower room of the chateaus’ chapel. The family is used to this sight but the ghost has startled many guests over the years thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world. 

Island Of Dolls, Mexico


What Is the Island of the Dead Dolls?

The Island Of Dolls is Also known simply as the Island of the Dolls as it’s one of the most unsettling places you’re likely to visit. It’s a nightmarish, overgrown landscape where countless dolls, in various states of decay, are variously pinned, tied and nailed to trees, and to the few buildings the dot the area. They stare, lifeless and haunting. And, if the rumors are to be believed, haunted thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

What Do the Dolls Represent?

The first doll hung by Don Julian Santana Barrera was meant as a sign of respect for the drowned girl. And, as noted, he reportedly began hanging other dolls to appease what he believed was a restless spirit. But soon, Barrera was reportedly hanging dolls in reverence for other young women who died tragically.

  1. The Recent History of the Island of the Dolls

The assertion that dolls materialized, as if by magic, is clearly outlandish. So, too, are claims of dolls whispering and moving around in the night. However, it’s known that Don Julian Santana Barrera placed dozens (if not hundreds) of dolls around the island during his lifetime. In fact, the activity has spilled over into nearby locations, where doll have been on hung on trees in imitation of the original Island of the Dolls. But nothing can match the original in the sheer number of dolls — or in the haunting feeling they inspire.

2. How to visit the Island of the Dolls

If you plan to visit this spooky, and potentially haunted, tourist attraction, you’ll need to do so by boat. You can pay for a ride on one of the many trajineras – gondola-style boats – that ply the waters of Mexico City’s canals  thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

St Augustine Lighthouse, USA


On July 10, 1873, “during construction of the tower, the foreman’s children were playing on a supply cart that ran on the tracks to where modern Salt Run is now. When the cart hit the gate the children were trapped until a worker was able to lift it up. The two youngest children, Edward and Carrie Pittee survived. The two oldest, Eliza and Mary did drown,” Hladik said.

The lesser-known part of this story is there was another child involved – a 10-year-old African American girl. Hladik said her name wasn’t recorded in the primary source used (a newspaper article interviewing Edward many years later), but through other sources they know she was there.

“This girl deserves to be mentioned just as much as the others and I’m happy that I’m in a position where I get to do so,” he said.

The other oft-told tale was reported in the St. Augustine Examiner on Dec. 5, 1859. Light Keeper Joseph Andreu was painting the tower when the scaffolding failed and he fell about 60 feet.

“He died in the line of duty,” the article reported.

  1. Lighthouse finds paranormal fame.

In 2005 helped put the lighthouse on the map for this industry. Several television episodes were devoted at least in part to the St. Augustine Lighthouse on the Syfy channel show, “Ghost Hunters.” The main stars of the show, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, dubbed the lighthouse complex “the Mona Lisa of paranormal sites.” “When the ghost hunters came they ended up gathering the most evidence of anywhere else in town. This really got people’s interest. Some really hard-core ghost hunters travel a long way just to come here and see what’s going on,spokes woman for the lighthouse.

Before the lighthouse offered the after-hours tour, other ghost tours were driving by telling its stories.

“Our whole mission as a nonprofit is to tell the stories of this place, so we knew we could do it better ourselves.

In an effort not to be “too gimmicky” the tour guides are not dressed as re-enactors, and nothing jumps out artificially to scare people. It’s still a history lesson but the darkness and the power of suggestion combine to create a semi-eerie atmosphere.

“We have a responsibility as a museum and sharers of history to keep it authentic. That’s really important to us. The stories we tell are all true. This site has been actively used for more than 300 years so there are a lot of stories to tell  thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

2. Still a working lighthouse

Whether in daylight or darkness, the favorite activity for most visitors is climbing the 219 spiraled steps to the top for a panoramic view. Once they are here, visitors invariably become interested in the history as a whole.

“They go into the Keeper’s House and become intrigued with how the family lived and worked here and how tough the conditions were and it opens up the whole maritime story.

It’s a balance, though, between keeping people interested and keeping things historic. The admission fees help keep the interactive museum going and fund new exhibits. They also help keep the light going in this still working lighthouse. About 200,000 people visit every year.

The federal government built the structure from 1871 to 74 and it still has its original 1874 Fresnel lens, with 370 hand-made prisms. They recently received a grant from the state to repaint the black and white tower in the spring and do some work on the lens.

The tower is repainted every five to seven years anyway, but this time it coincides well with looking its best for the 450th commemoration  thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

Tat Tak School, Hong Kong


It’s said to be one of the most haunted places in Hong Kong. The nenewlybandoned Tat Tak school has numerous eerie stories behind it. Reports of suicide, possession, and the ghost of a woman in red. Some cab drivers will even refuse to take the road that leads to the school, which is surrounded by graves and supposedly haunted.

One story goes that an “exploration team” consisting of four boys and eight girls, went to investigate the abandoned school, trying to see for themselves if it was truly haunted. Most of the team members attended secondary school. One girl, while exploring, saw a woman in a red dress standing in front of a tombstone in the graveyard next to the school. After she told the group, they ran out of there.

 When they had gotten a distance away and were catching their breath, the girl suddenly started screaming and trying to strangle herself with her own hands. The other team members tried to stop her from hurting herself, and one boy was bitten by her. Two girls fainted and one had to go to the hospital. Spooky stuff!

Of course, you can’t expect the same things to happen to you. When I went in, it had a creepy vibe, but I didn’t run into any ghosts in red, and I certainly was not possessed. It was still very scary though thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

Bhangarh Fort, India


About the town it was set up in 1573 by King Bhagwant Das who had two children. His elder child was Man Singh, the well-known General of Mughal Emperor Akbar and the younger one was Madho Singh. Bhagwant Das made Bhangarh for Madho Singh who lived and ruled Bhangarh his entire life.

Madho Singh named the city after his grandfather Man Singh who was otherwise called Bhan Singh and now the city is recognized as ” Bhangarh”. Bhangarh Fort might be famed for its haunted and mysterious presence, but it can be visited as a place that is beautiful and pleasant. The fort is not for the easily frightened (faint-hearted) people. It is rated as the most haunted place in the whole of India. India also has some other world’s most haunted places  thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

The most famous story behind the place

There is a belief about Bhangarh that the place is spooky, and nobody can set out to go there after sunset. A few ghost stories are behind the mysteries of the Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan. Out of the various stories about Bhangarh post one that is most predominant is that the Bhangarh city was work by King Madho Singh. For this city got endorsement by self-denying Guru Balu Nath who pondered at this place.

The endorsement was given on the condition that the shadow of ruler’s royal residence could never touch him at his place. If the shadow touched over his place, the city would transform into remnants. The king began his fort construction with his cash and quality. The fortification was built with a few stories lastly shadowed the restricted withdraw of Guru Balu Nath.

According to psychic energy of Saint, the whole town was demolished and as far back as any development around the pounded area or royal residence confronts crumple  thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.