Its very Dangerous to have been tucking yourself into bed without a worry in the world. Our Earth seems like a relatively safe and sound place, doesn’t it? Well, not really. Our Planet is home to so many wild and deadliest places. There is an abundance of dangerous places around the world. From war-shattered countries, and disaster-prone countries to mysterious and scary lands.

● Here are The Top Most 6 Dangerous Places on Earth that you need to think twice about before visiting:

~ Gates of Hell , Turkmenistan ~

It is a natural gas field that has been burning countinuosly since it was first discovered in 1971. The origins of the fire, are unclear but popular lore claims that the fire was started when a sovient drilling rig accientally tapped into a poclet of methane gas. The Gas ignited and the resulting inferno has been burning ever since.

The Gates of Hell is located in the Karakum Desert and is about 260 feet wide. The temperature at the centre of the fire is said to be around 2,700 degrees fahrenheit. Despites, its name, The Gates of Hell is actuallg not all that large – its about the size of football field. The local residents have grown accustomed to The Gates of Hell and some even consider it to be a tourist attraction. Visitors can get fairly close to the fire, but they are not allowed to touch it and is just one of many natural gas field burning in Turkmenistan. In fact, it’s estimated that there are about 140 natural gas fields burning in the country.

The reason for this is that it has very little infrastructure to capture and utilize natural gas. As a result, much of it is simply burned off. While it may not be the largest natural gas fire in the world. It’s certainly one of the most interesting. Its a reminder of the power of nature and of the dangers of tapping into pockets of methane gas.

~ Snake Island , Brazil ~

Just off the coast of brazil lies a small island that is home to one of the deadliest creatures on earth: the golden lancehead viper. This snake is so venomous that just one bite can kill a human within minutes. It is said that its poisen can even melt human flesh. The island known as Snake island, is uninhabited by humans and is home to thousands of these snakes, roughly five per square meter.

In addition to the golden lancehead viper, Snake island is also home to a number of other dangerous creatures, including the Brazilian rattlesnake and the boa constrictor. These snakes are not as deadly as the golden lancehead viper, but they can still pose a serious threat to humans. Visiting snake island is definitely not for the faint of heart and because the snakes are so dangerous, the brazilian government has forbidden anyone from visiting the island.

~ Death Valley , National park , USA ~

One of the most dangerous places in the world is death valley, National park in the United States. This area is known for its extreme temperatures, which can reach up to 134 degrees Fahrenheit. The terrain is also incredibly treacherous, with rocky cliffs and sharp drop-offs. There have been many fatalities in Death Valley over the years, making it truly dangerous place to visit.

Despite the dangers, Death Valley is still a popular destination for thrill seekers and adventure lovers. The Challenges it presents are unlike anything else in the world, and those who conquer them feel a true sense of accomplishment. If you are looking for an adrenaline rush, there is no better place than Death Valley. Just be sure to take all the necessary precautions before embarking on your journey.

~ Volcano Tours in Hawaii , USA ~

Volcano Tours in Hawai offers visitors the opportunity to see some of the most active volcanoes in the world up close. These tours typically take place on the Big Island of Hawaii, where there are four major volcanoes: Kilauea, Mauna Loa, Hualalai, and Haleakala. Visitors can choose to take a helicopter tour, which offers aerial views of the volcanoes, or a ground tour, which takes them right up to the edge of the crater.

Volcano tours are an exciting way to see these natural wonders up close and learn about their history and geology. Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and has been erupting continously since 1983. Visitors on volcano tours can see the lava flows, as well as the steam vents and other features of this still active volcano. Mauna Loa is the largest volcano on the Big island and one of the largest in the world. It last erupted in 1984 but is still considered active.

On a Mauna Loa tour, visitors can sea the lava flows from its most recent eruption as well as the vast caldera that was formed when the volcano colapsed many years ago. It is an impressive sight to see. Hualalai is another active volcano on The Big Island, with ite last eruption occuring in 1800. On a Hualalai tour, visitors can see the lava flows from this eruption as well as the crater that was formed. Haleakala is a dormant volcano on Maui and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Hawaii.

Visitors can take a haleakala tour to see the crater that was formed when the volcano erupted in 1790. This is an impressive sight and a popular place because it offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape, offers beautiful sunrise and sunset tours, and is home to a variety of wildlife.

~ Skeleton Coast , Namibia ~

Skeleton Coast is a remote and rugged stretch of coastline in Namibia. It is renowned for its shipwrecks, treacherous sand dunes, and wildlife. The name Skeleton Coast comes from the mang shipwrecks that litter the shoreline and the bones of animals left on the beaches. Despite its remote location, the skeleton coast is home to variety of wildlife including lions, elephants, and seals. Visitors to the Skeleton Coast can explore the shipwrecks, hike through the sand dunes or go on safari to see the wildlife, but it is not recommended due to the dangerous conditions.

~ Death Road – Extremally dangerous road ~

North Youngas road is known as the Death Road for all the right reasons that you can guess. Driving up or down this 69 kilometer switchback is extremally dangerous because of fog, landslides, waterfalls, and cliffs falling 2000 feet in each turn. Until 1994, almost 300 drivers were killed every year, justifying its nick name and putting it in the list of most dangerous places to visit in the world.

The road extends far enough to connect the Amazon rainforest to the Capital City, surrounded by mountainous terrain. This means that merchants were not unusual to cram into trucks and buses trying to sell their wood and crops in the area. The hairpin turns, however, were not wide enough for each vehicle – further leading many trucks to go down with people and their livelihoods.