Top 7 Biggest Church in the World
Top 7 Biggest Church in the World

Top 7 Biggest Church in the World


Lets, Talk about 7 Biggest church in the world

Churches have for long, been not just symbols of religious dedication and holiness but also seats of political power and means to project royal authority. Commissioning magnificent and expensive churches was a way for the royals to show their financial power and their connection to the divine powers. Many of the churches in this list of most famous churches have a long political and religious history and have stood witness to some of the most dramatic events in human history and for that they are now in the list of biggest church in the world. They also show what dramatic results can be obtained by the combination of audacious engineering, ingenious architecture, and dedicated craftsmanship.


This church is also called the Church of Resurrection because it is believed to have been built on the land where Jesus was crucified and then resurrected. It is located in the Old City within Jerusalem in Israel and was built by the first generation of Christians in the world. It is one of the holiest sites for Christians and has been worshipped since the 4th century. Additionally known as Church of the Resurrection or Church of the Anastasis it contains two holiest sites in Christianity, one site where Jesus of Nazareth was crucified known as “Calvary” in Latin and “Golgotha” in Greek and the other one is Jesus’s empty tomb where he is said to have been buried and resurrected and are now in the row of biggest church in the world.

This church was constructed in 1650 in Venice, Italy and is the most famous church in Venice. It is an example of Byzantine architecture. The first church located at this site was commissioned in 832 AD and has been rebuilt many times since then. Due to its striking architectural style, it draws many tourists. One of the most famous churches of Venice and the finest example of Italo-Byzantine architecture officially known as the Basilica Cattedrale Patriarcale di San Marco and commonly famous among people as Saint Mark’s Basilica is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Venice, northern Italy and are now in biggest church in the world. It was burned down in 976 during an uprising, however, it was restored under his successor named Doge Domenico Contarini and the present basilica was completed in 1071.


One of the famous churches in the world is also the tallest building in the Reykjavík and the sixth tallest structure in the country. The church built at a height of 74.5 meters tall. The church was designed by the State Architect of Iceland, Guðjón Samuelsson in the year 1937 and built in the honor of Hallgrímur Pétursson, He is one of the best-known poets of Iceland. Because of the war, the construction was delayed that began in 1945. The design of the church was inspired by the Icelandic beauty of nature and are now in the row of biggest church in the world. 


This famous church is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia and marks the exact center of the city. It was completed in 1561 under the reign of Ivan the Terrible and has a very colorful architecture unusual for a church. Like the Sagrada Familia, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is perhaps one of the most famous Churches in the world because it appears in many movies. We have also listed beautiful castles Built Around the World. One of the most famous churches, Saint Basil’s Cathedral consists of nine chapels built on a single foundation and interior is a maze of galleries winding from the chapel to chapel equipped with narrow stairways and low arches and are now in the row biggest church in the world. The wall was decorated with floral and geometric patterns. The color and shape of the Saint Basil’s Cathedral are truly amazing and unmatched across the globe. The Saint Basil the Blessed can be visited in his chapel on the lower floor where he is placed in the silver casket in gaudy splendor.


This Roman Catholic Church is the seat of Papal power and is located in Vatican City, an enclave in Italy. This was designed at the height of the Renaissance by the famous artist Michelangelo and has the tallest dome in the world measuring more than 136 meters. It has become the most famous in the Vatican and one of the most popular tourist sites in Europe. This is the largest in the world with an internal area of 15160 square meters that stretches over 186 meters in length. The largest Basilica of Christianity has a capacity of 60,000 people and there are many architects who have worked on the design of one of the most famous location in the world that includes Donato Bramante, Raphael, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Michelangelo, Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola, Giacomo Della Porta, Carlo Maderno, and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. One of the finest examples of Renaissance architecture is considered to be the holiest Catholic shrines and “greatest of all churches of Christendom”.


This famous church is situated in London and is one of the iconic buildings in the country. It was built in the 10th century and today is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Thames River and Westminster Palace are both located near the Abbey and the Gothic architecture draws many tourists each year. The Westminster Abbey is also the place for the burial and coronation of the royal family and national heroes so have special significance as a structure of national importance. The Gothic abbey in the City of Westminster officially known as the Collegiate of St Peter at Westminster. The construction has been started by Henry III in 1245 and later declared as one of the most important Gothic buildings in the country. Later, the location has been expanded by the Chapel of Henry VII was added between 1503 and 1512. It has two western towers were built between 1722 and 1745 by Nicholas Hawksmoor and it was constructed from the Portland stone to an early example of a Gothic Revival design.


The next famous is also located in London, on top of a hill – the highest point in London. It is the seat of the Bishop of the England. This in its current form was built in the 17th century through its predecessor, the earlier St. Paul’s Cathedral was built in 604 AD. One of the oldest and famous in England, St Paul’s Cathedral has one of the largest domes in the world. It measures around 112m and has numerous steps in it. The most visited area of the location is its whispering gallery that has an astonishing avant-garde design. The artist’s masterpiece has many pieces of artwork that are dated back to the Victorian Era to modern-day works. The iconic building is a source of inspiration for many movies that include Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, and Thor.

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