4 Ways To Do Past Life Regression Meditation
4 Ways To Do Past Life Regression Meditation

4 Ways To Do Past Life Regression Meditation


4 Ways to Do a Past Life Regression Meditation

For a long time, past life regression was kind of taboo. It’s only very recently that past life regression meditations became popular.

Of course, many people still don’t believe in past lives. Others are unsure. Whether you know past lives are real for certain or you’re just exploring, my hope is that this post will give you some insight into the different methods you can use to do a past life regression.

These methods are accessible and easy for anyone! Go with your gut and try out the past life regression meditation method that feels right.

1. Use The Youtube Guided Session

4 Ways to Do a Past Life Regression Meditation

Brian Weiss is basically the past life master or guru in the spiritual community. He wrote one of the original books on past lives. He’s a super cool guy; he was a trained psychiatrist who believed only in science and accidentally discovered that past lives exist while hypnotizing a client.

Now, he’s one of the leading past-life regressionists. If you want to actually do a past-life regression (with your eyes closed by going into a deep meditation) and wish to see your own life, then I recommend using his guided regression on YouTube.

This video got popular on TikTok, but regardless of PR, it’s a great regression whether you’re a beginner or advanced.

The video is about 30 minutes long; you’ll want to make sure you have a quiet place where you can relax without interruptions. You’ll also want to make sure you aren’t too tired so you don’t accidentally fall asleep.

Don’t stress too much about the specifics and just give it a try! You may be surprised by how much you discover. This past-life regression meditation is especially good for anyone who can’t afford a session with a trained professional but doesn’t feel ready to do a self-guided meditation.

2.      Do A Self-Guided Past Life Regression Meditation

4 Ways to Do a Past Life Regression Meditation

If you feel ready or are naturally pretty strong during mediations, you can attempt a self-guided past-life regression meditation.

The process will be similar to the YouTube guided meditation (#1 in this list), but you will be guiding yourself.

You of course don’t need to actually speak the words in your head to guide yourself. You can simply visualize yourself taking the steps to walk through the relaxation period and then your past life.

With this method, it’s easy to get stuck in one potion of your past life. You’ll need to make sure that you continue to ask yourself: “What happens next?” in order to see a full life.

3.      Use Past Life Oracle Cards

4 Ways to Do a Past Life Regression Meditation

I love past life oracle cards. This is a simple way to do a past life reading without even closing your eyes.

My favorite past life oracle cards were created by Doreen Virtue and Brian Weiss, but Doreen Virtue is unfortunately no longer involved in spiritual practices, so these cards are no longer being sold.

They are available on Etsy, and I promise, it’s worth the wait in shipping time. These are the mini cards because they’re the only cards sold right now. Regardless, this is 100% the best past-life oracle deck.

4.      Book An Appointment With A Regressionist

4 Ways to Do a Past Life Regression Meditation

If you want to start off with a professional or even just want to experience what a full past life regression feels like, search on Google for a past life regressionist in your area.

You’ll want to check reviews in order to find a good regressionist. There are some certifications that these professionals can have, but they don’t generally speak to the quality of the sessions.

These sessions are usually 2-3 hours long and are very involved. If you have trouble meditating, this is a good place to start for a past life regression meditation.

The one caveat is that these sessions are generally very expensive. If you can afford it, then by all means give it a try.

If you’re tight on cash or feel nervous about having someone else experience your personal past life, then try out the YouTube guided meditation at the top of this list.

Remember, regardless of the method you choose, follow your gut and be open to receiving information in any form. Sometimes the Universe will send you messages in ways you don’t expect!

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