When do Pregnancy Symptoms Start
When do Pregnancy Symptoms Start

When do Pregnancy Symptoms Start



Are you pregnant? What are the signs or symptoms of pregnancy? And when do pregnancy symptoms start occurring after conception?
According to doctors, the symptoms of pregnancy can start showing in a female after the first weeks of conception. when do pregnancy symptoms start when a woman conceives after an egg gets fertilized and attaches itself to her uterus or womb.

When this happens, the woman will start experiencing certain changes within her. These changes are what are referred to as the early symptoms of pregnancy and when do pregnancy symptoms start?
There are many symptoms of pregnancy that a woman will experience. In this article we are going to take a look at the most common of these symptoms when do pregnancy symptoms start after it .

If you are a woman who is experiencing one or more of them, then there is a high likelihood that you are pregnant

Early pregnancy symptoms The following are some of the most common pregnancy symptoms that a majority of women will experience when they are pregnant:

1. Breasts get swollen and tender

One of the most common signs of pregnancy is a change in the breasts. Not long after a woman conceives, her breasts might begin to feel sore and very sensitive. They might also become tender. According to doctors, the reason this normally happens is because of hormonal changes that are occurring during pregnancy. Women also tend to experience soreness in the breasts and the breasts begin to feel fuller and change shape because they are getting themselves ready to start producing milk for the baby.

2. Frequent urination

Women tend to find themselves urinating more frequently than they did prior to getting pregnant. This is as a result of hormonal changes leading to an increased volume of blood in their system. As a result, the kidneys to start working even harder and producing more urine. 

3. Nausea sets in

Another very common early sign of pregnancy is the setting in of nausea or morning sickness. The nausea sometimes comes alone or accompanied with frequent vomiting. Not all women experience this, but the majority of women do experience morning sickness during pregnancy. Morning sickness normally starts between four and six weeks of being pregnancy.

In some women, the nausea leads to frequent vomiting. Although it is called morning sickness, it can strike at any time of day. Presently doctors are not sure exactly what causes nausea in prego women. But it is highly likely that hormonal changes might be partly or fully responsible for this.

4. Frequent feeling of tiredness or fatigue

Exhaustion is also another very common sign of pregnancy. Here, the woman might constantly be feeling tired even though she might have not engaged in a strenuous activity that warrants the fatigue.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the fatigue that women feel during early stages of pregnancy is as a result of an increased level of the pregnancy hormone progesterone in the body which makes one to feel tired and sleepy. This is the reason why almost every woman that gets prego experiences fatigue.

5. Cravings and aversions for certain foods

Another typical sign of pregnancy is the sudden like and dislike of certain foods. When a woman is prego, she might suddenly find herself strongly disliking certain foods that she used to love very much. The woman might also find herself developing very strong cravings for certain foods.

Doctors say that this sudden food aversions and cravings that women experience during pregnancy can be linked to hormonal changes once again.

6. Missing period

I guess this goes without saying that it is the most obvious sign that a woman is pregnant. The moment a woman gets pregnant she seizes having her periods. This is the reason why a missing period normally is one of the first things many women use to detect whether they are pregnant or not and go for a pregnancy test when do pregnancy symptoms start after it.

A missing period is especially a sure sign that a woman is pregnant if she is one who experiences her period on a regular basis but just suddenly misses it. But it must be known that a missed period does not all the time mean that a woman.

There are other things besides pregnancy that can lead to a missed period such as stress or being on certain medications and diets.

7. Mood swings

Many pregnant women tend to experience mood swings very frequently. This minute they are happy and the next minute they are sad for no apparent reason. Doctors say that the mood swings in women come about as a result of the massive amounts of hormonal changes going on within.

8. Frequent feeling of dizziness

Dizziness is another quite common thing that women experience from time to time. Doctors say that the dizziness women experience during pregnancy comes as a result of the fact that blood vessels in women increase when they are and that leads to the blood pressure dropping. The drop of the blood pressure causes a feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness in the pregnant woman.

9. Implantation bleeding

This is also a very common sign of the early stage of pregnancy. The implantation bleeding is a slight bleeding that most women experience during the first weeks after conception. The implantation bleeding comes about as a result of the fertilized egg of the woman getting attached to the lining of her uterus or womb.

The implantation bleeding normally occurs during the woman’s menstrual period and lasts for a very short time. Many women mistake this for their normal period.

10. Constipation sets in

Many women that get pregnant experience constipation. According to health experts, there could be a variety of reasons why women tend to suffer from constipation. One of the reasons this happens is because of the hormonal changes occurring. Doctors say the hormonal changes can affect the digestive system of the woman in a way that can cause it to slow down and lead to constipation.

Health experts also say that the constipation that women suffer from can also come about as a result of too much pressure on the bladder caused by the uterus or womb pressing on it, which coupled with the hormonal changes, can cause constipation.

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