PCOD and PCOS: The Differences & The Similarities

Many people use the terms PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease) and PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) interchangeably, but they are two different conditions. Both disorders cause hormonal disturbances and are related to ovaries, but they have different symptoms and treatments of PCOD.

1. What is PCOD?

PCOD and PCOS: The Differences & The Similarities

Polycystic Ovarian disease is a disorder in which the ovaries produce immature or partially mature eggs. This excess production of immature eggs can lead to cyst development in the ovaries and increase male hormone release. The condition can cause various complications, including weight gain, acne and irregular menstrual cycle.

2. What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age. It is characterised by irregular menstrual cycles due to imbalanced hormone levels, with increased production of male hormones (androgens). In addition, PCOS is a type of metabolic disorder that often has a complex link with other chronic diseases, including diabetes and heart attacks.

3. PCOD vs PCOS: The Difference

PCOS are acronym for polycystic ovary syndrome and polycystic ovary disease, respectively. Both conditions are characterized by the presence of multiple cysts on the ovaries. However, PCOS is a hormonal disorder that can cause fertility problems. At the same time, is a term used to describe a general condition of the ovaries that may or may not cause fertility problems.

Here are some other factors that make them different from each other.

  1. Nature 
    PCOS is a metabolic endocrine disorder, while it is a condition developed by hormonal imbalance. Overeating junk food, being obese or overweight, stress and hormonal disturbances give rise to PCOD. Nonetheless, genetics is also a lesser-known key factor in both diseases.
  2. Symptoms
    Since their teenage years, women who suffer from PCOS show symptoms such as acne, weight gain, and excessive hair growth due to metabolic disturbances. Common PCOD symptoms are abdominal weight gain, painful periods, and male pattern hair loss.
  3. Occurrence
    One-third of women worldwide suffer from PCOD, which is more common than PCOS. A Study shows that PCOS affects 4%–20% of women of reproductive age worldwide.
  4. Effect on Pregnancy
    Women with PCOD don’t usually experience serious fertility problems. Making healthy lifestyle changes can help them overcome challenges. However, conceiving may be difficult for women with PCOS due to irregular hormones and metabolic irregularities. Women with PCOS also have a high rate of miscarriages.
    Remember that all women with PCOS or PCOD can conceive with medical help and guidance. Therefore, these conditions should not be considered an unsolvable barrier to becoming pregnant.
  5. Severity
    PCOD is less severe than PCOS, and one can usually manage the condition with lifestyle and dietary changes. On the other hand, PCOS affects the entire endocrine system and can lead to metabolic disorders and cognitive dysfunction. Additionally, PCOS increases the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure.
  6.  Ovulation
    The symptoms of PCOD and PCOS can be similar, but women with PCOD can still ovulate and conceive successfully. However, women with PCOS don’t ovulate regularly because of a severe hormonal imbalance that disturbs the ovulation process and menstrual cycle.

Natural Ways to Improve PCOS and PCOD

There is no proven cure for PCOD or PCOS at the moment. However, diet and lifestyle play a significant role in managing PCOD and PCOS, making a considerable difference.
Some of the natural ways to improve PCOD/PCOS are listed below.

  1. Healthy Eating Habits
    Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help control the symptoms of PCOD and PCOS. The right mix of nutrients can help regulate hormones and the menstrual cycle. In addition, processed, preserved, and carb-rich foods can increase inflammation and insulin resistance. Hence, it is better to refrain from consuming such foods.
  2. Weight Management
    The best way to lose weight if you have PCOS or PCOD is to modify your diet to one that is low in calories but still nutritious. Losing weight with such a diet will also help reduce insulin resistance, make your menstrual cycle more regular, and lower the risk of other problems related to PCOS or PCOD.
  3. Regular Exercise
    Besides diet, healthy weight management requires finding a suitable exercise regime. However, too much physical exertion can disturb your hormone level. Hence, make sure to opt for an ideal exercise routine, from walking and yoga to swimming and aerobics, to curb the effects of symptoms.
  4. Sleep Pattern
    One of the essential lifestyle changes to improve the outcomes of PCOD/PCOS treatments is maintaining a quality sleep pattern. It means establishing a regular sleep schedule and avoiding factors that can disrupt sleep, such as caffeine, daytime naps, smoking, bedtime snacks and screen time.


PCOD and PCOS are both common disorders among women. However, PCOS is a more severe metabolic disorder than PCOD. Both conditions cause hormonal imbalance, resulting in symptoms such as irregular menstruation, acne, weight gain, and even infertility. However, maintaining an active lifestyle, following a balanced diet, and improving sleeping habits can help manage the symptoms of both conditions.





7 Ways to make your sex long lasting

7 Ways to make your sex long lasting

Ways to make sex more, you don’t need to lose weight or learn exotic techniques.


. Sex isn’t about what bodies do, it’s about how people feel.

. The keys to improving sex are self-acceptance and communication.

. We all have conditions for good sex. What are yours?

1. Don’t self-diagnose

7 Ways to make your sex long lasting

People usually don’t go to the doctor and announce what disease they have, requesting it be fixed. Rather, they report their symptoms (this hurts, that doesn’t work as it used to), and the doc figures out what the problem is. Your leg could hurt, and the problem might be your spine; the cause of your headaches could be something in your diet.

Gentlemen, if you can’t get an erection when you’re drunk, angry, anxious, guilty, or indifferent to your partner, you don’t have E.D.. And women, if you don’t get wet or have an orgasm when you’re drunk, angry, anxious, guilty, or indifferent to your partner, you don’t have female sexual dysfunction.

Drug companies love when people self-diagnose because they often then ask their doctor for a particular medicine. A self-diagnosis of “E.D.” (erectile dysfunction) typically leads to demand for Viagra or Cialis.

Human genitalia are not like an ATM—ready to function rain or shine, regardless of circumstances. Don’t decide your genitalia are broken just because they don’t jump whenever you want them to.

2. Accept your body

7 Ways to make your sex long lasting

When you wake up tomorrow morning, your body won’t be younger or more fit. Your complexion won’t be better, your hair won’t be more luxurious, you won’t lose your surgical scars, and your body parts won’t be more symmetrical or less wrinkled. Hiding your body during sex (lights off, T-shirt on, don’t touch my fat belly or hairy butt) is never a temporary project. It’s a self-shaming way of life. And it prevents sexual pleasure. “You go to war with the army you have, not the one you wish you had,” said Donald Rumsfeld. Well, we go to sex with the body we have—our only options are to accept and enjoy it, or reject and struggle with it.

3. Take your age seriously

7 Ways to make your sex long lasting

Chronic Pain is very un-sexy and a fact of life for almost everyone as we age. Talk about it with your partner, and tailor your sexual activities around it. You may need to say goodbye to some of your favorite positions, which is part of the emotional challenge of aging. Is we get older, we take more medications—which may have sexual side effects. Talk with your pharmacist or physician about possible changes in libido, erection, lubrication, body smell, and skin sensitivity before or after taking a new drug.

4. Do only what you want to do

7 Ways to make your sex long lasting


Most of us won’t let someone pressure us to eat something we don’t want or watch a movie we don’t like. So don’t do anything sexual you don’t want to do. If that turns off your partner, you have a bigger problem than sex. And if it’s a deal-breaker for your partner, let him/her go.

When couples can’t agree on how much sex to have, the person who wants more sex generally doesn’t want just their partner’s body, they want their partner’s enthusiasm. If you can’t provide that, don’t be surprised if your partner is still unsatisfied when you say yes more than you want to.

5. Get excited

7 Ways to make your sex long lasting

When patients tell me a story about a disappointing sexual experience, I usually ask if they were excited. Often, the answer is “I was erect” or “I was wet.” Both indicate that the body is aroused—which is important—but they don’t indicate if the person is excited, activated, engaged, energized. And without those, people go through the motions of sex without the emotional impact that most want from it. I don’t like the expression foreplay (which implies that it’s merely preparation for something else), but since most people know what it means, I’ll use it here: “foreplay” is for getting excited, both emotionally and physically. To enhance sexual enjoyment, don’t proceed beyond “foreplay” until you’re really eager for more.

6. Lubricate, Lubricate

7 Ways to make your sex long lasting

Lubrication has no moral value—using it doesn’t mean anyone has failed to crank out enough “natural” lubrication or failed to excite their partner enough to do so.

Many patients tell me they don’t keep a lubricant in their night table because they don’t want the kids to find it and ask what it is. If they ask, just tell them: this is what I/we use to make sex more enjoyable. Yes, that does mean talking with your kids about sex, which every parent needs to do periodically.

7. Emphasize pleasure over orgasm

7 Ways to make your sex long lasting

If you think that orgasm is the best part of sex, you’re missing the best part of sex. For too many people, sex is 15 minutes of boring or mediocre stuff, with three seconds of pleasure (or relief) at the end. No orgasm can possibly be enjoyable enough to redeem sex that is painful, pointless, scary, confusing, or unwanted. To enjoy sex more, focus on the majority of the experience (i.e., before orgasm), and try to configure some of it more the way you like it.





10 Sex position to try before you die

10 Sex position to try before you die

In the wonderful world of sex and sex position to try, there’s getting down and then there’s getting down. For connoisseurs of a good sensual romp — we’re talking about our true believers, scholars and geeks when it comes to sex position to try and sexuality. There’s plenty of ways to make sure that no two nights in are exactly the same, whether you’re playing solo, with a partner or with more than one partner.

1. Doggy Style

10 Sex position to try before you die

Doggy is classic for a reason! Bestial and intense, there are a lot of modifications to give the giver and reciever something they’ll enjoy. Entry from behind and the openness of the hips give a good shot at G-spot penetration and the penetrating partner standing or kneeling has hands-free to roam, grope and grip to your heart’s content and sex position to try.

2. Pushing Tush

10 Sex position to try before you die

Butt-lovers rejoice! A move that helps both the penetrating and recieving partner play around with the back door, particularly if your partner has expressed interest in playing around with anal penetration in a less-intimidating way. For added fun, you can add some toys (a good lube is your best friend here!) for something extra powerful and sex position to try.

3. The Butterfly

10 Sex position to try before you die

Another way to modify Missionary with a bit more power, the Butterfly sex position involves having the recieving partner lay back on a slightly elevated surface (bed, table, countertop, go off!) tilting their hips upward and offering cervical stimulation and free hands for clitoral activities and sex position to try.

4. Countertop

10 Sex position to try before you die

For that sweeping-off-the-countertop (or desk) hot sex moments that you’ve totally fantasized about, this position can utilize just about any flat surface that is the right height for your penetrating partner. Take turns controlling the depth of penetration (the receiving partner can adjust their legs at their partners shoulders as well) and you’ll both be seeing stars and sex position to try.

5. Happy scissors

10 Sex position to try before you die

Another one that is excellent for any flat surface, the sweet, wide-open energy of this position is totally erotic. Again, the penetrating partner can adjust depth depending on how they support the recieving partners legs and it also gives access to other for folks who are into that.

6. Rocking Horse

10 Sex position to try before you die

A fave for G spot stimulation and intimate eye-contact, the Rocking Horse lets you sit between your penetrating partners legs, with your legs just short of wrapped around them (but you can modify for that if you want to go full Koala!) and you both rock into eachother. There’s a lot of room to control the depth of penetration while also holding your partner super close.

7. Seated Scissors

10 Sex position to try before you die

Getting your penetratee partner eon top is a great way to give them a boost of control (and to give the penetrating partner a hell of a view). In this position, the partner recieving can straddle the penetrating partner with one leg between his and one outside his hip, allowing some extra angles and creative ranges of motion while also giving some additional grinding options for clitoral stimulation.

8. Spooning

10 Sex position to try before you die

Lazy lovers, we see you and hear you. Particularly on lazy mornings, there’s few things that hit like a morning tussle with your partner. Spooning (yes, like the cuddling position) can easily become a Top 10 favorite sex position too when your penetrating partner steps up into the big spoon role and enters the partner being penetrated from behind. Hands remain free for touch and clitoral stimulation and mouth remains free for kisses and dirty talk.

9. Queening in Bondage

10 Sex position to try before you die

You may know this position by its other less SFW name — “face sitting” — but Queening is when a partner recieves oral stimulation while resting on or above your partner’s mouth. Adding restraint play to this is yet another way to up the sensation and intensity of the scene/sexual encounter, allowing the receiving partner to really own the power of the pose (as pictured here) or offering an equally sexy subversion if you switch places. your weight can mostly held by your knees and thighs, so don’t get too wound up about “crushing” your partner — just make sure they feel comfortable communicating how much pressure is good from you on top.

10. Standing Up Full-Frontal

10 Sex position to try before you die

Something that almost always seems like a better idea in theory? Shower Sex. It’s ideal for early morning quickies and keeping things clean but depending on the shape of your shower and tub and the tendancy for people to walk in while you’re trying to use the bathroom (oops) can sometimes throw you for a loop.

But if you lock your door, schedule some quiet time, I promise it is do-able. One position is ideal if you have a bench or a wider rim of your tub — have the penatrating partner keep both legs on the ground (they do need to keep their balance game together here!) while the partner being penetrated takes them from the front, lifting one leg up to wrap around their partner or to rest on the side of the tub. Just add water.

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10 Female Pornstar Famous for their work

Top 10 Female Pornstar Famous For their Work

When we think of female pornstars, it is very often the image of a sultry blonde female pornstar that appears in our mind. Simple coincidence ? Certainly not ! Imagining a blonde pornstar in action makes sense when you know what these beautiful creatures are capable of ! And this list of the best blonde pornstars of X movies should confirm you in this idea.

1. Samantha Saint

This American beauty with bewitching eyes (but it won’t be easy to keep your gaze on those eyes) starts in porn at 24. She won several awards, notably for oral sex scenes or wild threesomes. She has more than 150 films to her credit, going from lesbian porn to hard films with several men naturally. And when we see the way she sucks, we understand why she won several awards.

2. Mia Malkova

Mia is a sublime girl, who will delight all the amateurs of natural blondes and ultra sexy bodies. Her perfect plastic and her natural suppleness make this American with Canadian, German and Irish origins one of the most appreciated blonde porn actresses in the world.

She is also part of our ranking of the best female pornstar !
Capable of everything, she even broke up with her husband to be able to shoot scenes with black actors freely! For her, hardcore is second nature.

3. Nicole Aniston

Nicole was only 23 years old when her career as a blonde pornstar began in full swing. You only have to look at her to understand that she is destined to become a star of the female porn industry, with her deep blue eyes, her generous breasts and that divine ass.

Although openly lesbian, she plays roles of Milf or naughty teacher who teaches sex to students or lucky male colleagues.

4. Kylie Page

Here is a blond female pornstar with natural curves, which will not leave insensitive those who love women with well placed shapes ! The young Kylie (she is only 21 years old) could be the porn star of tomorrow.

She gives blowjobs with an undisguised desire and seems to take great pleasure in being fucked during scenes with several people. She often has this role of naive or naughty girl and seems to be a very good babysitter.

5. Lexi Belle

A natural beauty, with the right shapes in the right place. The young woman started in female porn in 2006 and performed her first fellatio in front of the camera ! Since then, she’s come a long way and has had a string of shoots and partners, discovering the joys of sex in all its forms: anal, bukkake, gangbang…

Lexi claims her love for Star Wars, which makes her even more attractive to all geeks.

6. Shawna Leneé

The perfect body of this blonde pornstar will certainly not leave you speechless. And she knows very well how to play with it, during strip tease in fine lingerie, or much more hots scenes! Shawna works with the biggest porn production companies and likes to oscillate between solitary pleasure and shared pleasure!

A sexy and confident woman, who radiates the screen.

7. Briana Banks

Attention, bombshell on the horizon! Briana Banks quickly left Germany for America, but she kept from her mother country a physique that leaves no room for doubt. Blonde, tall and slender, with blue eyes and an opulent chest, we quickly know that she is a German porn actress!

Her specialty is the deep throat, but she likes to shoot double penetration scenes or the hardest possible ass/mouth sequences. Her ability to make her partners cum in abundance gives her a worldwide reputation, which will sometimes earn her the name of Queen of porn!
At 40 years old today, she is the perfect cougar!

8. Abigaile Johnson

Abigaile is one of the prettiest pornstars we know and may be the favorite of X lovers! She could be included in our ranking of the best porn actresses, as it is difficult to resist this delicious look that she seems to throw at each appearance on the screen.

We love her when she plays the naive young woman as much as when she devours her partners with an unfeigned sexual appetite. Her perfect curves and delicate breasts will make you want to share all your sexual fantasies with her.

9. Kenzie Taylor

Since her debut as a blonde porn actress in 2015, when she was only 20 years old, Kenzie Taylor has been noticed for her gorgeous breasts and her tongue that seems to work miracles when she goes over her partners’ sexes or vaginas. In 2018, she decided to get a boob job, to make them rounder and even more massive! In fact, she is one of the sexiest pornstar with big boobs.

She has performed in hundreds of hardcore scenes, from the ultra-hot mother-in-law to the unfaithful wife or the superheroine in search of pleasure, with a disconcerting naturalness. She is not yet 30 years old and we can easily predict a few more years of intense sex in the industry, given her wild performances.

10. Andi Anderson

Andi Anderson is 36 years old but she looks much younger, which allows her to play both Teen and naughty Milfs roles. This sexy American likes to use her luscious lips to give pleasure to her partners, and she assumes her vulgar bimbo side by receiving and then spreading jets of semen on her face.

This blond porn actress is a small model – 1m60 for 52 kg – which does not prevent her from taking in all sizes of sex. And what about her fake cries of pain when she practices anal? A real delight for blondie lovers.



When do Pregnancy Symptoms Start


Are you pregnant?
What are the signs or symptoms of pregnancy? And when do pregnancy symptoms start occurring after conception?
According to doctors, the symptoms of pregnancy can start showing in a female after the first weeks of conception. when do pregnancy symptoms start when a woman conceives after an egg gets fertilized and attaches itself to her uterus or womb.

When this happens, the woman will start experiencing certain changes within her. These changes are what are referred to as the early symptoms of pregnancy and when do pregnancy symptoms start?
There are many symptoms of pregnancy that a woman will experience. In this article we are going to take a look at the most common of these symptoms when do pregnancy symptoms start after it .

If you are a woman who is experiencing one or more of them, then there is a high likelihood that you are pregnant

Early pregnancy symptoms
The following are some of the most common pregnancy symptoms that a majority of women will experience when they are pregnant:

1. Breasts get swollen and tender

One of the most common signs of pregnancy is a change in the breasts. Not long after a woman conceives, her breasts might begin to feel sore and very sensitive. They might also become tender. According to doctors, the reason this normally happens is because of hormonal changes that are occurring during pregnancy. Women also tend to experience soreness in the breasts and the breasts begin to feel fuller and change shape because they are getting themselves ready to start producing milk for the baby.

2. Frequent urination

Women tend to find themselves urinating more frequently than they did prior to getting pregnant. This is as a result of hormonal changes leading to an increased volume of blood in their system. As a result, the kidneys to start working even harder and producing more urine. 

3. Nausea sets in

Another very common early sign of pregnancy is the setting in of nausea or morning sickness. The nausea sometimes comes alone or accompanied with frequent vomiting. Not all women experience this, but the majority of women do experience morning sickness during pregnancy. Morning sickness normally starts between four and six weeks of being pregnancy.

In some women, the nausea leads to frequent vomiting. Although it is called morning sickness, it can strike at any time of day. Presently doctors are not sure exactly what causes nausea in prego women. But it is highly likely that hormonal changes might be partly or fully responsible for this.

4. Frequent feeling of tiredness or fatigue

Exhaustion is also another very common sign of pregnancy. Here, the woman might constantly be feeling tired even though she might have not engaged in a strenuous activity that warrants the fatigue.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the fatigue that women feel during early stages of pregnancy is as a result of an increased level of the pregnancy hormone progesterone in the body which makes one to feel tired and sleepy. This is the reason why almost every woman that gets prego experiences fatigue.

5. Cravings and aversions for certain foods

Another typical sign of pregnancy is the sudden like and dislike of certain foods. When a woman is prego, she might suddenly find herself strongly disliking certain foods that she used to love very much. The woman might also find herself developing very strong cravings for certain foods.

Doctors say that this sudden food aversions and cravings that women experience during pregnancy can be linked to hormonal changes once again.

6. Missing period

I guess this goes without saying that it is the most obvious sign that a woman is pregnant. The moment a woman gets pregnant she seizes having her periods. This is the reason why a missing period normally is one of the first things many women use to detect whether they are pregnant or not and go for a pregnancy test when do pregnancy symptoms start after it.

A missing period is especially a sure sign that a woman is pregnant if she is one who experiences her period on a regular basis but just suddenly misses it. But it must be known that a missed period does not all the time mean that a woman.

There are other things besides pregnancy that can lead to a missed period such as stress or being on certain medications and diets.

7. Mood swings

Many pregnant women tend to experience mood swings very frequently. This minute they are happy and the next minute they are sad for no apparent reason. Doctors say that the mood swings in women come about as a result of the massive amounts of hormonal changes going on within.

8. Frequent feeling of dizziness

Dizziness is another quite common thing that women experience from time to time. Doctors say that the dizziness women experience during pregnancy comes as a result of the fact that blood vessels in women increase when they are and that leads to the blood pressure dropping. The drop of the blood pressure causes a feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness in the pregnant woman.

9. Implantation bleeding

This is also a very common sign of the early stage of pregnancy. The implantation bleeding is a slight bleeding that most women experience during the first weeks after conception. The implantation bleeding comes about as a result of the fertilized egg of the woman getting attached to the lining of her uterus or womb.

The implantation bleeding normally occurs during the woman’s menstrual period and lasts for a very short time. Many women mistake this for their normal period.

10. Constipation sets in

Many women that get pregnant experience constipation. According to health experts, there could be a variety of reasons why women tend to suffer from constipation. One of the reasons this happens is because of the hormonal changes occurring. Doctors say the hormonal changes can affect the digestive system of the woman in a way that can cause it to slow down and lead to constipation.

Health experts also say that the constipation that women suffer from can also come about as a result of too much pressure on the bladder caused by the uterus or womb pressing on it, which coupled with the hormonal changes, can cause constipation.

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Not happy in the bedroom? You aren’t the only one. According to the Durex Sexual Wellbeing Survey, only 44 percent of people are fully satisfied with their sex lifesaving. Follow these tips to make sex lifesaving.

1. Be comfortable naked

None of us are perfect. For the best sex lifesaving, however, we should like how we look naked. Most women suffer from issues with negative body image. Boost your body confidence by eating right, exercising regularly and learning to love your body. Stand in front of the mirror naked and find something to like, no matter if it’s your shoulders or your butt. Write it down and say it out loud to yourself. Ask your partner what parts he likes best and add them to your affirmation list. Before you know it, you’ll be loving your naked body.

2. Get a massage

If you are stressed out and often not in the mood, draw yourself a bath and have a glass of wine. When you get out, ask your partner for a sensual massage. A head-to-toe massage is a fantastic precursor to sex. Releasing tension will improve your energy and blood flow and this will make your Sex Lifesaving.

3. Pleasure yourself

Having trouble orgasming? Get in touch with your body by touching your erogenous zones. No matter what your mom says, masturbation has never made anyone go blind. Pleasure yourself with your hand, a dildo or a vibrator to learn what you like. And don’t be afraid to masturbate in front of your man. He’ll love it! and you both will make your sex lifesaving better than before.

4. Bring a vibrator to bed

Some women just physically can’t have an orgasm from vaginal sex alone, and fingers or a tongue might not work fast enough for others to do when u need them. That’s why you shouldn’t be afraid to bring a personal massager into your bedroom. Some men think there’s something wrong (with him or her) if a women wants a vibrator in the bedroom, but using a vibrator together can be very pleasurable than u are using it in alone but thats your own personal choice if u have to do it in alone. Think of sex toys as a bonus, not as a substitute for your man bcz if u do things like this so, your sexual life and nornal life both will get distroy bcz of this kind of needs and desires of yours so, just be aware of this kind of things with your men. The Durex Play Vibrations Connect offers shared pleasure. You’ll both enjoy the good vibrations.

5. Get wet.

Vaginal dryness is a problem for many women. It can make sexual intercourse irritating or downright painful. Get wet with one of the lubricants made especially for women. Durex offers a variety of lubricants including Play Utopia (female arousal gel) and Play Tingling (lubricant and massage lotion).

6. Try a new position

If the missionary position has become the only position in your household, it’s time to mix things up. For starters, get on top; it provides a great visual for him, and you can control the motion. Doggie style is also a fabulous choice because he can thrust deeper inside you and hit your G-spot more easily. Plus, his hands are free to roam your body.

7. Have an oral-only night

If you love oral sex and aren’t getting enough of it, make intercourse off limits for the night and pleasure each other through oral stimulation only. Be willing to give as much as you receive because this kind of things will inprove your sex life and oral sex night can make you wet many times and give you pleasure as much as you need but this can only be possible when you partner also have the same kind of urge as you have at that time .

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4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

If you believe that newlyweds have the best sex life, then you’re wrong. Many newlywed couples face severe problems in physical compatibility which often leads to issues and disputes in the marriage. With emotional and physical attachment tied together couple, it’s difficult to leave sex out, because ultimately, it plays a huge role in one’s intimate life.

1. Use of contraceptives

4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

Many men are inexperienced when it comes to sex couple. And so, they might not know how to use a condom. Such men get embarrassed at that moment, causing them to lose their erection. The wife also doesn’t know how to respond to this situation and so, it becomes a very humiliating matter.  Hence, here are some of the most identifiable sex problems that newlyweds face. The prevention of unintended pregnancies helps to lower maternal ill-health and the number of pregnancy-related deaths. Delaying pregnancies in young girls who are at increased risk of health problems from early childbearing and preventing pregnancies among older women who also face increased risks, are important health benefits of couple family planning.

2. Lack of passion

4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

If a man prematurely ejaculates or if the woman fails to orgasm the first few times, the couple tends to assume that their sex life is set to doom. Without passion the first few times, it becomes way too dull, and hence, couples avoid getting into intimate situation. In such cases, one must remember that great sex only happens with time and practice.

It’s hard to believe that you share about 98% of your DNA with a creature causing you this much panic. Most of us don’t like to think of ourselves as animals, let alone primates. We prefer to understand ourselves as higher beings — human beings, to be exact, not at all similar to the apes roaming the wild terrain.

But reality tells a different story, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. As a sex therapist, I have come to understand that this reality has much to do with what turns you on, and whether or not you enjoy your sex life.

3. Doubts about frequently having sex

4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

Newlywed couples are usually at the peak of their sexual desire, just after marriage and they love to make out or have sex at least a few times a day. However, after a point, they get uncomfortable at the thought of how much sex is really normal for both. One might feel too needy than the other, which can be uneasy after some time. 

Sex indeed comes with multiple benefits but that does not mean that it should be a daily and compulsory chore of life. It is completely fine for you to restrict the number of times you have sex in a day or week. This is because it does not always happen that both partners want to have sex at the same time or as frequently as the other one. 

Moreover, it is the willingness of both partners that makes the carnal act more gratifying and enjoyable. Forcing someone to have sex is known as sexual coercion and is not advisable.

4. Believing certain myths

4 Common Sex Problem Couple Face

The age-old myth of a woman bleeding on her first night signifying her virginity still exists. And if she doesn’t, the husband immediately rejects her, and hence, problems arise in the marriage. Additionally, if a man isn’t able to satisfy the woman, he becomes the center of all jokes, creating utmost pressure on them.

 Whether you’re a beginner or an expert in the field of sex and intercourse, extra knowledge can never do any harm. Many of us have always had numerous questions regarding se in our mind, which we either overlook or feel embarrassed to ask our close ones about. While there are many things about sex we can learn through experience and/or through external materials, there are certain things that can only be unraveled after the deed is done and the ugly consequences are left for us to bear.

 That being said, there are common beliefs or myths about sex that are completely false.



No Women matter how into each other you are, relationships will see sex peaks and valleys. It’s easy to fall into a rut or resort to ‘solo time’ during one of those droughts. But let’s kick-start that steam with the most pleasurable things to do to a woman to maximize sexual pleasure.
The women orgasm is more complex than yours and the key to great sex is finding what best works for her to get off. Clitoral stimulation is incredibly important, but don’t discount deep penetration. Sex therapists indicate cervical orgasms (achieved via vaginal penetration) are less common, but can yield more intense orgasms due to the deeper penetration.

1. Pay attention to her non-verbal signs during sex

Sadly, lots of men don’t know how to tune into their female lovers. “I hear stories over and over again about how men are just not responding to the signals that women send. Along with verbal expression, pay attention to their bodily cues (moaning, heavier breathing, increased lubrication) and do more of that.
If you’re not sure how to interpret a signal, be direct and just ask. “[Try] ‘Does that feel good?’ or ‘Do you like that?’ or ‘Does that hurt?’ Your partner may have been too shy to tell you, and will appreciate that you asked,” says Weisman.
Likewise, if you’re not sure if your partner is ready for a certain act or move

2. Explore Commonly Ignored Hot Spots

A woman wants a man to explore her inside and out with his fingers, and make it an adventure for the two of them. “‘Let’s see if I can find your G-spot,’ for example, could be a mutual exploration for the couple,” says Dr. Gilda. Be sure also to fondle with and kiss often-ignored erogenous zones like her inner thigh, ear, and even her lower back.

3. Clitoral Stimulation

Yes, guys, we want more of it. “Some of like it with a two finger or three in her ass or vagina at the same time. You can also try strong sucking, teasing with your tongue, or using your nose and forehead for pressure on the clitoral area.Try different amounts of pressure, rhythms, and duration of time to see what she likes best for many women, direct contact on the clitoris can be too intense, although they may like rhythmic pressure on the clitoral shaft — the part of a woman’s clitoris that swells when she’s aroused.

4. But Make Sure She Comes First, and Again

We have the ability to climax multiple times. And that means that your job as her partner is to make sure that women have more of those orgasms. “Many people don’t realize that 70% of us need clitoral stimulation to orgasm. So, yes, you’d be correct in thinking that you can’t just rely on penetration alone to get her off. Rather, consider accessory and toys into bed to help you get into that right position or angle, and find what you both like best.

5. Be Spontaneous During Sex With Her

Women like surprises, especially the sexy kind. “Surprising your girlfriend or wife with something that shows you care about her while also showing how sexy you think she is can win you major points, Some ideas beyond lingerie: knee high socks, a silk robe, or a racy nightgown. When a woman knows you bought something for her while thinking of how hot she’d look in it, it also may inspire her to be a little more adventurous next time she finds herself shopping for naughty underthings.
Or, try gifting her a sensual shared activity like a couples massage or passes to hot yoga to check out together.

