6 Easy Exercises to Develop Strong Clairaudience

We often think of clairvoyance, which is psychic sight, when we hear the word psychic. In reality, there are many different ways that you can be psychic.

Most well-known psychic readers combine a few different techniques. For example, a psychic reader might see and hear as well as receive knowings that guide their readings.

I’m not one of those people that was born with natural clairaudience. In fact, psychic hearing is one of the least natural psychic senses for me, yet I have been able to develop it over time. I really believe that anyone can develop all of the psychic senses with enough practice!

When you start to become clairaudient, you might hear words and sounds within your mind, or you might actually hear with your ears. Either way is 100% normal; we all have slightly different psychic senses.

Eventually, you’ll probably be able to hear both inside your mind and with your ears. If you’re just starting out, it’s typically easier to focus on hearing inside your mind.

Here are 6 exercises to develop strong clairaudience with a bit of practice!


1.      Meditate On A Question

6 Easy Exercises to Develop Strong Clairaudience

If you want to practice clairaudience in the most typical way, then you’ll need a quiet place you can meditate. Some people are very against meditating, but this exercise doesn’t call for a deep meditation: you simply need to close your eyes and open your mind.

Ask your spirit guides a specific question that you’d like the answer to and set the intention that you will receive the answer through audio. Close your eyes, open your mind, and wait to hear an answer.

In my experience, a very simple answer to your question will pop into your head. It’s often an answer you wouldn’t have thought of. You might hear the tone of voice of the speaker or might not, but you’ll likely know whether the answer is true.

This is a great exercise to practice often if you want to get really good at hearing psychically. The more you practice, the quicker this exercise will go, and someday the answer can be almost immediate.

2.      Ask A Question And Hear A Song In Your Head

6 Easy Exercises to Develop Strong Clairaudience

This is a level-up from the last exercise. When you feel ready, ask your spirit guides a question and set the intention that you will hear a song to answer the question in your head or mind.

You’ll need to be in a quiet place to be able to hear the song and will need to open your mind and allow the music to stream through. Go with whatever you hear, even if it feels random or off. We often don’t get the answers we expect!

3.      Ask For A Song As An Answer To Your Question

6 Easy Exercises to Develop Strong Clairaudience

This exercise works well when you’re in the car or otherwise engaged but still want to practice. You’ll need a specific question, preferably one that you truly want an answer to.

Ask your spirit guides your question and set the intention that the next song to come on will hold the answer. Make sure that you’re either listening to the radio or setting your music to shuffle randomly.

When the next song begins playing, listen extremely closely to the lyrics and the music. The answer isn’t always obvious and may just be in one line or even in the tone of the music.

The purpose of this exercise is to sharpen your clairaudience sense and awareness, even when you’re not specifically meditating. This is a great real-world exercise that prepares you to psychically hear throughout the day instead of just during your practice.

4.      Practice With Flashcards & Spirit

6 Easy Exercises to Develop Strong Clairaudience

If you don’t have a friend you feel comfortable practicing Clairaudience with then you can do a similar exercise with your spirit guides.

For this exercise, you’ll need flashcards. Write simple words that you like on these flashcards, such as cat, tree, dress, etc. I recommend making at least 20 flashcards to start.

Choose a flashcard without looking at it and lay it face down. Ask your spirit guides to speak the word on the flashcard to you. Open your mind and wait for the information to come in. Again, you don’t want to picture the word or object, but you want to hear it in your mind.

This exercise can take a while to do at first. I sat with my mind “open” for 15+ minutes before I received an answer. It’s hard to hear our spirit guides because they vibrate at such a high frequency. Just remember that you’re training your psychic ears with this exercise, even if you don’t feel like it worked

5.      Have A Friend Send You A Word

6 Easy Exercises to Develop Strong Clairaudience

If you have a friend who is willing to practice clairaudience with you, then this is a great (and difficult!) exercise. Ask a friend to think of a word and send it to you. The friend can picture the word (letters and all) going into your head, but they must be actually saying the word in their mind rather than just speaking it.

Once they confirm that they’ve sent the word, you want to open your mind and wait to see what pops into your head. Listen for the sound of the word and close up your visual mind; if you start to see the word or a picture of what it means then you need to ask them to specifically send the sound.

6.      Tune In To The Sounds Of The Earth

6 Easy Exercises to Develop Strong Clairaudience

If you’re just beginning your journey to become clairaudience, you need to learn how to hear and discriminate between different sounds.

For this exercise, find a quiet place you can sit; this can be done inside or outside. Settle in and close your eyes. Begin to listen closely to the sounds around you, both those nearby and far away.

Once you’ve listened generally for a few minutes, try to isolate one sound. For example, if there’s a strong wind, you could listen to it and attempt to tune out all other sounds. Try to hear what the wind is saying and pick up on its energy through sound waves.

You can isolate any sound that you’d like, but I find that this exercise works better with sounds in nature (such as wind, water, birds, etc.).

I hope these exercises help you develop your clairaudient skills. Please don’t hesitate to leave any questions in the comments!


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1. Ackley House in Nyack, New York


This court case, formally known as 169 A.D.2d 254 (N.Y. App. Div. 1991), is covered in nearly every law school class. Yet, many people falsely believe that the New York Supreme Court ruled the 1890 Queen Anne house located at 1 La Veta Place, Nyack, NY was indeed haunted. What the Court did say was, “As a matter of law, the house is haunted.” Actually, the decision of creepy house whether or not the house was haunted was not before the Court. This case was a contract case; however, people enjoy discussing decades later. What is news: The “Ghostbusters House” recently sold.

Helen and George Ackley purchased the stately, though in desperate need of repair, 3-story, 4,628-square-foot home in 1967. During their ownership, Helen boasted about three ghosts who resided with the family. One was a woman in a hoop skirt and the other was a Revolutionary War-era couple called Sir George and Lady Margaret.

(Sir George was dressed in a red coat and thus British.) Helen recounted the hauntings in the Reader’s Digest May 1977 article “Our Haunted House on the Hudson.” The instances were innocuous. Coins and trinkets were left for the children. Gentle shaking of the daughter’s creepy house bed to get her up for school. Full-bodied apparition nodding approvingly of the wall color choice.

Helen took advantage of retelling the tales and included the house on haunted ghost tours. All who resided in the tiny hamlet knew the house to be haunted. The couple who did not know were Jeffrey and Patrice Stambovsky.

Jeffrey and Patrice entered an agreement to purchase the home in 1990. They ponied up $35,200 in escrow funds and started learning about the small town of Nyack. They became concerned when local residents started telling them about the haunted house and creepy house. That was when Jeffrey and Patrice wanted out of the contract and the escrow monies refunded. The Ackleys were unmoved.

The case wound its way up to the highest Court in New York. In the 1991 opinion, the Court found that the Stambovskys could, in fact, get their money back as they were not locals and did not know of the house as being haunted. The Court reasoned that the house was creepy house haunted “as a matter of law” since Helen Ackley endeavored to promote the house as such.

Helen encouraged the label of “haunted” to be placed upon the house. She profited, if not monetarily, but by reputation. The case appeared to upend the widely held view of caveat emptor, or buyer beware. Indeed, Justice Rubin wrote how this case was an exception to strict application because of the facts and Helen’s silence.

Ownership has been steady over the decades since the Court’s decision. After the Stambovskys were able to get out of the contract, Canadian filmmaker Adam Brooks purchased and lived there for more than 20 years. American singer/songwriter Ingrid Michaelson resided there from 2012-2015, only to list the property due to her long-term absence from the large creepy house.

She felt the home “enchanting—but not creepy.” Simply put, she wasn’t there enough to justify the expense. American rapper Matisyahu purchased in 2015 and has been attempting to unload it since 2019.

2. Chop-Chop House in Boise, Idaho


The house at 805 W Linden Street in Boise, Idaho, is hard to miss. Covered in a layer of soot, with windows broken and boarded up and trash strewn about the yard, the 2-story, 2,728 square-foot home looks like an abandoned horror movie set.

The true story, however, is much scarier. Locals refer to it as the Boise Murder House, or even more eyebrow-raising, the Chop-Chop House, which is a glib reference to the gruesome homicide that took place there more than three decades ago creepy house.

According to many who’ve lived in the neighborhood or even rented out a room in the house itself, the basement, in particular, exudes some haunted energy. There have been reports of shadowy figures appearing and disappearing out of nowhere, strange liquid oozing down the walls, and more.

3. Mercer-Williams House in Savannah, Georgia


Located across from one of Savannah, Georgia’s, most famous and pristine squares (Monterey Square in the city’s historic district), the Mercer Williams house dates back to 1860. In the 1970s, famed preservationist and antiques dealer Jim Williams restored the home to its former glory after years of neglect.

This Italianate revival played host to three untimely deaths, including that of 11-year-old Tommy Downs when he fell off the roof in 1969, the 1981 fatal shooting of Danny Hansford by Williams, and Williams himself, when he died in the same room as Hansford less than a year after being acquitted of Hansford’s death in a fourth trial.  Much like the rest of the city, the home was supposedly built right on top of unmarked graves. Rumors about the crime and ensuing ghost stories continue to swirl to this day creepy house.

5. Lizzie Borden House in Fall River, Massachusetts


In 1892, Lizzie Borden was the main suspect for the axe murders of her father and stepmother. Borden was tried and acquitted of the murders, and guests who visit Lizzie’s house in Fall River, Massachusetts say she can be heard cackling about it. Others say that you can sometimes hear a maid screaming for help, and that Lizzie’s slaughtered parents stalk the grounds. You can experience the paranormal activity yourself by visiting the Lizzie Borden House, which is now a museum and bed and breakfast.

6. Charleville Mansion In Shimla


Charleville mansion is a lush mansion located in the hills of Shimla. A British man Victor Bayley was appointed as the Assistant Secretary of Railway Board and was posted in Shimla in October 1913. Victor and his wife spent a considerable time looking for a perfect home for them and settled for Charleville mansion owing to its location and the low rent.

But they didn’t know that the house was known to have a poltergeist. In fact before them, an army officer used to live in that mansion. Even though he didn’t believe in ghosts, he wanted to test the authenticity of the mystery surrounding that home. So he decided to lock the room where most of the haunted activities were reported.

7. Vas Villa On St Mark’s Road In Bangalore


A 75 year old lady named Dolce Vaz live in Vas Villa at St. Marks Road, Bangalore and was murdered by unidentified person in 2002. Dolce Vaz was living with her 80 years old sister Vera Vaz in Vas Villa. Dolce Vaz and Vera Vaz was the daughter of E.A. Vaz who was an advocate in Bombay High Court.The investigating officer found no clues and hence concluded that the person came there to steal something.

Dolce Vaz tried her best in stopping that person. Actually the incident had happened at midnight. Vera Vaz was sleeping, she heard her sister screaming. When she reached there Vera Vaz found that her sister Dolce Vaz was seriously injured on her neck,stomach and hands.

She was declared death when she was taken to the hospital. Now the house is empty with no one ready to claim or buy the property nor anyone want to live there. It is said that now the house has become the home of supernatural power. People are claiming to have seen and felt some unusual noise and supernatural things. Most interestingly there are some articles and stuff still there which are lying around in the house but till now no one has gone to steal them.

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10 Sex position to try before you die

10 Sex position to try before you die

In the wonderful world of sex and sex position to try, there’s getting down and then there’s getting down. For connoisseurs of a good sensual romp — we’re talking about our true believers, scholars and geeks when it comes to sex position to try and sexuality. There’s plenty of ways to make sure that no two nights in are exactly the same, whether you’re playing solo, with a partner or with more than one partner.

1. Doggy Style

10 Sex position to try before you die

Doggy is classic for a reason! Bestial and intense, there are a lot of modifications to give the giver and reciever something they’ll enjoy. Entry from behind and the openness of the hips give a good shot at G-spot penetration and the penetrating partner standing or kneeling has hands-free to roam, grope and grip to your heart’s content and sex position to try.

2. Pushing Tush

10 Sex position to try before you die

Butt-lovers rejoice! A move that helps both the penetrating and recieving partner play around with the back door, particularly if your partner has expressed interest in playing around with anal penetration in a less-intimidating way. For added fun, you can add some toys (a good lube is your best friend here!) for something extra powerful and sex position to try.

3. The Butterfly

10 Sex position to try before you die

Another way to modify Missionary with a bit more power, the Butterfly sex position involves having the recieving partner lay back on a slightly elevated surface (bed, table, countertop, go off!) tilting their hips upward and offering cervical stimulation and free hands for clitoral activities and sex position to try.

4. Countertop

10 Sex position to try before you die

For that sweeping-off-the-countertop (or desk) hot sex moments that you’ve totally fantasized about, this position can utilize just about any flat surface that is the right height for your penetrating partner. Take turns controlling the depth of penetration (the receiving partner can adjust their legs at their partners shoulders as well) and you’ll both be seeing stars and sex position to try.

5. Happy scissors

10 Sex position to try before you die

Another one that is excellent for any flat surface, the sweet, wide-open energy of this position is totally erotic. Again, the penetrating partner can adjust depth depending on how they support the recieving partners legs and it also gives access to other for folks who are into that.

6. Rocking Horse

10 Sex position to try before you die

A fave for G spot stimulation and intimate eye-contact, the Rocking Horse lets you sit between your penetrating partners legs, with your legs just short of wrapped around them (but you can modify for that if you want to go full Koala!) and you both rock into eachother. There’s a lot of room to control the depth of penetration while also holding your partner super close.

7. Seated Scissors

10 Sex position to try before you die

Getting your penetratee partner eon top is a great way to give them a boost of control (and to give the penetrating partner a hell of a view). In this position, the partner recieving can straddle the penetrating partner with one leg between his and one outside his hip, allowing some extra angles and creative ranges of motion while also giving some additional grinding options for clitoral stimulation.

8. Spooning

10 Sex position to try before you die

Lazy lovers, we see you and hear you. Particularly on lazy mornings, there’s few things that hit like a morning tussle with your partner. Spooning (yes, like the cuddling position) can easily become a Top 10 favorite sex position too when your penetrating partner steps up into the big spoon role and enters the partner being penetrated from behind. Hands remain free for touch and clitoral stimulation and mouth remains free for kisses and dirty talk.

9. Queening in Bondage

10 Sex position to try before you die

You may know this position by its other less SFW name — “face sitting” — but Queening is when a partner recieves oral stimulation while resting on or above your partner’s mouth. Adding restraint play to this is yet another way to up the sensation and intensity of the scene/sexual encounter, allowing the receiving partner to really own the power of the pose (as pictured here) or offering an equally sexy subversion if you switch places. your weight can mostly held by your knees and thighs, so don’t get too wound up about “crushing” your partner — just make sure they feel comfortable communicating how much pressure is good from you on top.

10. Standing Up Full-Frontal

10 Sex position to try before you die

Something that almost always seems like a better idea in theory? Shower Sex. It’s ideal for early morning quickies and keeping things clean but depending on the shape of your shower and tub and the tendancy for people to walk in while you’re trying to use the bathroom (oops) can sometimes throw you for a loop.

But if you lock your door, schedule some quiet time, I promise it is do-able. One position is ideal if you have a bench or a wider rim of your tub — have the penatrating partner keep both legs on the ground (they do need to keep their balance game together here!) while the partner being penetrated takes them from the front, lifting one leg up to wrap around their partner or to rest on the side of the tub. Just add water.

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  1. https://www.sheknows.com/
  2. https://sexinfo101.com/
  3. https://sexposition.club/




1. Monte Cristo Homestead, Australia


 Community Of Monte Cristo

Christopher William Crawley first built the mansion in 1885, where he lived with his wife Elizabeth most horror place in the world their seven children, and a series of servants. Crawley was a wealthy farmer and landowner who had made his fortune in Junee, a small town in the Riverina region after the Great Southern Railway Line opened in 1878. With the success of his hotel and land sales, Crawley was able to retire early and began construction on his Monte Cristo Homestead.

Monte Cristo Homestead was a status symbol for the Crawley family and was a social hub for the town’s most wealthy. Despite all the glamour, the Crawleys are said to have been holding onto many dark secrets and tragedies so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

Death at the homestead was common in their

Monte Cristo’s spooky history began with the staff. A young maid is said to have fallen to her death from the second-story balcony. A bleach stain still remains where the blood was attempted to be removed, and footsteps can be heard pacing the top balcony in the middle of the night. Some even see the outline of a female figure on the balcony, too.

The Crawleys weren’t immune from the deathly Monte Cristo, either. Their youngest daughter, a 10-month-old baby, died when her nanny accidentally dropped her down the stairs. Some claim it was on purpose, while others have ruled it as an accident so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

Haunting Of the Ryan family

Monte Cristo Homestead remained empty for over a decade after the last Crawley left in 1948. In 1963, Olive and Reginald Ryan purchased the now run-down manor for only £1000. With the hopes of returning Monte Cristo’s main homestead to its former glory, the Ryan family also had the servant’s quarters, the dairy, the stables, a ballroom, and a plethora of acres to care for and restore.

Bone-chilling paranormal experiences were part of everyday life for the Ryan family, as they raised their children and renovated the homestead over the coming years. Olive claims to have had her name called out multiple times, only to find no one there. All the children have also reported sightings of figures in old-fashioned clothes and have felt cold hands on their shoulders so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

The homestead days

Since 1993, the Ryan’s have turned their home into a ghost-hunters paradise. Ghost tours, a doll museum, an antique store, and a spooky bed and breakfast stay have seen people from all over the world flock to the little town of Junee to see Australia’s most haunted house.

Those who have stayed overnight in the homestead have also reported weird voices in the distance, and footsteps in the hallways. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the homestead is a creepy reminder of the Property’s gruesome past so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

2. Aradale Lunatic Asylum, Australia


13,000 deaths in 130 years: Ararat Lunatic Asylum is the most haunted place in Australia.

Now Australia’s largest abandoned mental institution, when Ararat Lunatic Asylum, or Aradale Mental Hospital as it later became known, was closed in 1997, it had seen 13,000 deaths in its 130 year history.

Opened in 1867, that averaged out to be 100 deaths a year. Patients, prisoners, and staff included.

Located about 205 kilometers away from Melbourne once upon a time Ararat was used to relieve the prison system of those thought to be the most criminally insane and irreparably evil, however, it also became a place for individuals suffering from mental illness, post-natal depression and conditions such as epilepsy, autism or Down Syndrome.

At any one time, the old Victorian structure was home to roughly 1,000 patients and 500 staff.

Today the building is used for ghost tours where reports of visitors unexpectedly fainting, feelings of nausea and pains while walking through certain rooms, wards with ominous smells, and “methodical banging sounds” like patients hitting their heads against walls, are commonly noted so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

3. Highgate Cemetery, England


Yes, we’re well aware that cemeteries aren’t always the first choice when it comes to watching it. But when that cemetery is one of London’s ‘Magnificent Seven’, you know you’ll see some magnificent sights. Highgate Cemetery, along with its six siblings, represents the finest in Victorian burial traditions, and it’s actually a very nice place for a wander.

We’ll get obvious out of the way nice and early there are bodies in here. It’s not going to be a place that everyone is going to visit – but it’s hardly of concern for the squeamish. The bodies are all buried after all…

Highgate Cemetery is the resting place of 170,000 people, and it’s not full yet. People are still buried here today, but you have to meet certain criteria if you’re eyeing up a spot – either you must be over 80, or you must have a terminal illness. Anyway, cheerful stuff aside, there are some impressive sights to see here, as you’d expect from a place that’s been growing and changing since 1839.

Highgate Cemetery has some celebrity residents, probably the most famous of which is Karl Marx. Devoted Communist and noted beard lover, his grave features a large statue of himself, which has survived being blown up by fervent capitalists. In one of London’s great ironies, you’ll have to pay a £4 fee to see his grave, because it is (shock horror) private property so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

4. The Tower Of London, England


During its 900 years of existence, the Tower of London has earned the reputation of being one of the most haunted places in the UK.

Thomas A. Becket

Thomas A. Becket is one of the first ghosts seen in the tower. When the Inner Curtain Wall was still in construction, Thomas seemed to be very unhappy about it and reduced the wall to rubble with the strike of his cross.

The grandfather of Henry III was said to be the reason for Becket’s death, so he built a chapel in the Tower for the Archbishop. People believe that Becket was pleased with the chapel’s construction because no further interruptions were reported after the incident with the Inner Curtain Wall so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

Arbella Stuart

Arbella Stuart is one of the castle’s most famous ghosts. She was once seen as a potential successor to Queen Elizabeth I. It is said that her ghost stays in The Queen’s House on Tower Green.

According to records, Arbella Stuart married the nephew of Lady Jane Grey, William Seymour. The marriage was thought of as a threat to the crown, and it did not have the permission of King James I.

Arbella was put under house arrest at Lambeth while her husband William was sent to the tower. Arbella plotted to get William released to travel together to France. However, William missed the rendezvous.

Arbella set sail all alone, but she was recognized and was sent back, this time to the Tower. William, on the other hand, made it to freedom. She stayed there until she died in 1615 in The Queen’s House at the age of 39.  It is believed that she was murdered in the castle so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

Anne Boleyn’s Ghost

The most persistent of all ghosts in the Tower of London is that of no other than Queen Anne Boleyn. She was married to King Henry III. She was arrested and taken to Tower Green and was beheaded on the 19th of May, 1536.

Several sightings of Anne Boleyn have been reported. She appears close to the site where she was executed and has also been seen leading a procession down the aisle of a chapel. Several people have reported seeing her headless body walking the Tower’s corridors so, that is why it comes under the list of the most horror place in the world.

The Young Princes

The Bloody Tower is a place that conjures up horrible images. There is the story of the two young princes, Edward V and his brother Richard, who were declared illegitimate by Parliament and sent to the tower. They were often seen playing happily around the grounds but suddenly vanished and were never seen again.

It was assumed that they were murdered by order of their uncle, the Duke of Gloucester. Two skeletons, believed to be the children, were unearthed beneath a staircase in the White Tower.

The ghosts of the children are often seen wearing nightgowns clutching each other in terror in the castle’s rooms. They are also heard throughout the Tower so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

The White Lady Ghost

There is also the White Lady of the massive White Tower. The White Tower is one of the oldest and most foreboding buildings, and it is the eerie haunt of the White Lady. She was said to have stood once at a window waving to little children at the building on the opposite side. Her cheap perfume fills the air upon your entrance to St. John’s Chapel.

The Violent Entity

Guards of the Tower of London have reported having a terrible crushing sensation upon entering the place where King Henry’s VIII impressive suit armor is exhibited.

A guard patrolling the grounds reported a sensation of someone throwing a cloak over him. When he tried to free himself, the cloth was seized from behind and pulled tightly around his throat by his unseen attacker so, that is why it comes under the list of most horror place in the world.

5. Mark King’s Close, Scotland


Like most streets of the time“the Close” had buildings several stories high that closely hemmed it in. In the 1600’s it was common practice to throw human waste out the windows onto the street below–so the upper and middle classes lived on the top tiers away from this filth while the poor lived on the street level.

Alexander King who was an advocate to Mary Queen of Scots named this Close after his daughter Mary. He owned several properties in the Close. Mary had a stall on the street where she sold lace.

When the bubonic plague hit in 1645 this street was ravaged. Families that had a sick person in their homes had an “X” chalked on their door. Food was dropped off on their doorstep. No contact was allowed for six weeks–except for the plague doctor– until the ill person either died or recovered. When possible the ill were moved to a plague hospital.

When many of these victim’s bodies were burned to prevent the spread of the disease it is said that their ashes were mixed with horsehair and dirt and then was used to construct ceilings in the Close.

Many years after this outbreak when no one lived in Mary King’s Close it was walled up and closed for the next 100 years. But the street had so many dark mysteries connected to it that a myth started to circulate that the Close had actually been walled up during the plague outbreak and that many people who were ill were closed within its walls. To the chagrin of many this myth still persists today.

Because this street was walled up it is well preserved. The visitor today–250 years later– can still see the original buildings and layout.

Mary King’s Close most famous ghost is that of a little girl nicknamed, Annie. In 1992 a Japanese psychic was startled when she entered a small room in the Close. She immediately felt sickness, hunger and a bitter cold envelop the room. She then felt the presence latch onto her leg.

Others have received the message that Annie is sad because she lost her favorite toy. So countless visitors have left Annie gifts in the small room that is now named after her.

Most believe that Annie’s family probably left her behind when she became ill with the plague.

Other activity in the Close includes phantom footsteps walking up and down the empty street and visitors and guides have seen a ghost of a lady wearing a black or grey dress. The ghost of Mary–Alexander King’s daughter is seen.Witnesses have also reported seeing masculine figures in the Close that just disappear when approached. In fact, some of these sighting were reported back before the street was walled up.

In one particular chimney strange noises are heard. When people have put their hands inside they are sometimes scratched.

In 2008, a photo taken by accident is now considered solid proof that the Close is haunted.

Late one Saturday night, the general manager, Stephen Spencer was checking an infrared camera installed to take pictures of tour groups as souvenirs.

As Spencer stood in the street he snapped several photos, he then returned to his office to turn the computer system off. He looked at the photos he had taken and realized that one of them had captured an interesting image.


  1. https://images.app.goo.gl/MRg6d7GNF7YdTxtb8
  2. https://images.app.goo.gl/j83Lk7qYFU14uibp8
  3. https://images.app.goo.gl/yMND7Zer84NKTxmD9
  4. https://images.app.goo.gl/47PkTgBiX3SDvGeQA
  5. https://images.app.goo.gl/SDZQrvK3JMDYp1dd6




George’s Church, Czech Republic


Originally built in 1352, St. George’s Church (about 125 miles east of Prague) boasts quite a history. The building was nearly destroyed by fires many times over the centuries, and its roof partially collapsed during a funeral service in 1968. After that event, the congregation became convinced the church was haunted and refused to enter; as a result, the building was stripped by robbers and fell prey to vandalism.

 That all changed in 2012 when an art student at the University of West Bohemia had an idea to lure visitors back to the haunted church: a collection of 30 ghost sculptures sitting in the pews with their heads bowed. Today, tourists have flocked to the “Ghost Church” (which opens to the public every Saturday afternoon) to snap photos and even sit among the unmoving specters while praying.

Eastern State Penitentiary


The castle-like Eastern State Penitentiary took solitary confinement to new levels when it was built in 1829. Prisoners lived alone, exercised alone, and ate alone; when an inmate left his cell, a guard would cover his head with a hood so he couldn’t see or be seen. The prison had to abandon its solitary system due to overcrowding in 1913, although the forms of punishment did not get any less severe (chaining an inmate’s tongue to his wrists is one example) before it closed for good in 1970.

 The site now welcomes thousands of visitors every year, both for its museum and Reported paranormal happenings have included disembodied laughter, shadowy figures, and pacing footsteps.

Al Madam, United Arab Emirates


There is something eerily beautiful, Al Madam is no exception. Located in about 40 miles southeast of Dubai, the village was most likely built in the 1970s and deserted shortly after—a fact that local legend attributes to djinn (shape-shifting spirits) scaring people straight out of town in haunted church. 

No one knows whether or not the spirits have lingered, but Al Madam still has a sort of haunted church quality to it: dunes encroaching on the two rows of houses and a mosque, sand falling through broken windows like waves, and a seemingly endless sea of ochre desert stretching out in every direction.

Bonaventure Cemetery, Savannah


It is pretty much one giant ghost story, with mysterious stories shrouding everything from public parks to breweries. But few city spots evoke quite as much reverence as Bonaventure Cemetery, overflowing with moody Spanish moss and time-worn Victorian monuments. There are many notable figures buried here, like singer Johnny Mercer and poet Conrad Aiken, but it’s the grave of Gracie Watson that dark tourists should find in that haunted church. 

Having died at just six years old, her grave is marked by a life-size marble statue with her hand resting on a tree stump, symbolizing her life cut short. Many visitors place toys at her grave, and some have reported seeing the ghost of Gracie near the site. Other spooky accounts of the cemetery include inexplicable sounds, like crying babies and barking dogs. 

Castle of Good Hope, South Africa


A sprawling building near the shoreline of Table Bay in Cape Town, the Castle of Good Hope dates back to 1666, making it the oldest colonial building in South Africa. Originally built by the Dutch East India Company as a replenishment station for ships, the site also served as a military fortress and prison during the Second Boer War from 1899 to 1902. 

Today, you can tour the fort’s many rooms and buildings (including the gruesome torture chamber), but you might want to prepare yourself for a ghost sighting.

La Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires


You don’t have to be religious to be moved by which features thousands of statues, fairytale grottoes, and intricate tombstones, as well as the remains of Argentina’s most iconic figure—Eva Perón. The stone walkways and labyrinth of mausoleums are as beautiful as they are eerie, and Recoleta has a couple of haunted legends of its own.

 One of the most famous stories involves David Alleno, a former grave-digger, and caretaker who worked at the cemetery for 30 years before killing himself.

Lawang Sewu, Indonesia


Constructed in the early 20th century by Dutch colonialists, Lawang Sewu (or “Thousand Doors”) served as the head office for the Dutch East Indian Railway Company before the Japanese turned it into a detention camp during WWII. During the war, many harsh interrogations, tortures, and violent executions occurred within the building’s walls—all of which contribute to its current status as one of Indonesia’s most haunted landmarks, says the country’s Ministry Of Tourism. 




Chateau De Brissac, France


In fact, it was a castle until the 15th century when King Rene of Anjou altered over sixty castles and great homes in Anjou into chateaus. Among these structures, Brissac is one of the most beautiful and most scariest place in the world.

The castle is the tallest in France and exudes old-world charm but one of its earliest residents has shocked more than one visitor.

In its history, this stately structure was destroyed rebuilt and even abandoned for a while in the late 1790s. It survived Nordic attacks, the Huguenots, the English occupation, and the Jacobins. 

Generations of the same family who gained their title from its name have been haunted by one specific entity. A double murder that occurred in the 15th century within its walls resulted in the Chateau de Brissac being renowned for a ghost called la Dame Verte, the “Green Lady”.

The castle was first built in the 11th century under the reign of King Philip II of France. When France defeated the English the king gave the property to Guillaume des Roches that’s why it comes in the list of the top 5 scariest places in the world.

In the 15th century, Pierre de Breze who was the chief minister of King Charles VII rebuilt the castle. His son Jacques de Breze the grand seneschal of Normandy inherited the chateau and married Charlotte of France. he marriage between Jacques and Charlotte was not a h

Louis XI, Charlotte’s half-brother, was outraged when he heard the news. He immediately vowed revenge. He had Jacques arrested and thrown in prison for several years. 

He convinced the court to sentence de Breze to death and confiscate all of his property. But in the end, Jacques prevailed, he gave all of his property to the king who spared his life. 

Louis XI then gave Jacques’ property to Louis de Breze, his nephew who also was Jacques’s son. But just three years later Charles VIII, Louis XI successor overruled the judgment and restored Jacques’ titles and lands

After this, the Cosse family took ownership of the chateau in the 15th century. This family acquired the title Dukes of de Brissac at this time—today the current Duke of Brissac and his family still live at the chateau. 

For generations, this family has encountered the apparition of The Green Lady. This ghost is often seen walking in the tower room of the chateaus’ chapel. The family is used to this sight but the ghost has startled many guests over the years thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world. 

Island Of Dolls, Mexico


What Is the Island of the Dead Dolls?

The Island Of Dolls is Also known simply as the Island of the Dolls as it’s one of the most unsettling places you’re likely to visit. It’s a nightmarish, overgrown landscape where countless dolls, in various states of decay, are variously pinned, tied and nailed to trees, and to the few buildings the dot the area. They stare, lifeless and haunting. And, if the rumors are to be believed, haunted thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

What Do the Dolls Represent?

The first doll hung by Don Julian Santana Barrera was meant as a sign of respect for the drowned girl. And, as noted, he reportedly began hanging other dolls to appease what he believed was a restless spirit. But soon, Barrera was reportedly hanging dolls in reverence for other young women who died tragically.

  1. The Recent History of the Island of the Dolls

The assertion that dolls materialized, as if by magic, is clearly outlandish. So, too, are claims of dolls whispering and moving around in the night. However, it’s known that Don Julian Santana Barrera placed dozens (if not hundreds) of dolls around the island during his lifetime. In fact, the activity has spilled over into nearby locations, where doll have been on hung on trees in imitation of the original Island of the Dolls. But nothing can match the original in the sheer number of dolls — or in the haunting feeling they inspire.

2. How to visit the Island of the Dolls

If you plan to visit this spooky, and potentially haunted, tourist attraction, you’ll need to do so by boat. You can pay for a ride on one of the many trajineras – gondola-style boats – that ply the waters of Mexico City’s canals  thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

St Augustine Lighthouse, USA


On July 10, 1873, “during construction of the tower, the foreman’s children were playing on a supply cart that ran on the tracks to where modern Salt Run is now. When the cart hit the gate the children were trapped until a worker was able to lift it up. The two youngest children, Edward and Carrie Pittee survived. The two oldest, Eliza and Mary did drown,” Hladik said.

The lesser-known part of this story is there was another child involved – a 10-year-old African American girl. Hladik said her name wasn’t recorded in the primary source used (a newspaper article interviewing Edward many years later), but through other sources they know she was there.

“This girl deserves to be mentioned just as much as the others and I’m happy that I’m in a position where I get to do so,” he said.

The other oft-told tale was reported in the St. Augustine Examiner on Dec. 5, 1859. Light Keeper Joseph Andreu was painting the tower when the scaffolding failed and he fell about 60 feet.

“He died in the line of duty,” the article reported.

  1. Lighthouse finds paranormal fame.

In 2005 helped put the lighthouse on the map for this industry. Several television episodes were devoted at least in part to the St. Augustine Lighthouse on the Syfy channel show, “Ghost Hunters.” The main stars of the show, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, dubbed the lighthouse complex “the Mona Lisa of paranormal sites.” “When the ghost hunters came they ended up gathering the most evidence of anywhere else in town. This really got people’s interest. Some really hard-core ghost hunters travel a long way just to come here and see what’s going on,spokes woman for the lighthouse.

Before the lighthouse offered the after-hours tour, other ghost tours were driving by telling its stories.

“Our whole mission as a nonprofit is to tell the stories of this place, so we knew we could do it better ourselves.

In an effort not to be “too gimmicky” the tour guides are not dressed as re-enactors, and nothing jumps out artificially to scare people. It’s still a history lesson but the darkness and the power of suggestion combine to create a semi-eerie atmosphere.

“We have a responsibility as a museum and sharers of history to keep it authentic. That’s really important to us. The stories we tell are all true. This site has been actively used for more than 300 years so there are a lot of stories to tell  thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

2. Still a working lighthouse

Whether in daylight or darkness, the favorite activity for most visitors is climbing the 219 spiraled steps to the top for a panoramic view. Once they are here, visitors invariably become interested in the history as a whole.

“They go into the Keeper’s House and become intrigued with how the family lived and worked here and how tough the conditions were and it opens up the whole maritime story.

It’s a balance, though, between keeping people interested and keeping things historic. The admission fees help keep the interactive museum going and fund new exhibits. They also help keep the light going in this still working lighthouse. About 200,000 people visit every year.

The federal government built the structure from 1871 to 74 and it still has its original 1874 Fresnel lens, with 370 hand-made prisms. They recently received a grant from the state to repaint the black and white tower in the spring and do some work on the lens.

The tower is repainted every five to seven years anyway, but this time it coincides well with looking its best for the 450th commemoration  thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

Tat Tak School, Hong Kong


It’s said to be one of the most haunted places in Hong Kong. The nenewlybandoned Tat Tak school has numerous eerie stories behind it. Reports of suicide, possession, and the ghost of a woman in red. Some cab drivers will even refuse to take the road that leads to the school, which is surrounded by graves and supposedly haunted.

One story goes that an “exploration team” consisting of four boys and eight girls, went to investigate the abandoned school, trying to see for themselves if it was truly haunted. Most of the team members attended secondary school. One girl, while exploring, saw a woman in a red dress standing in front of a tombstone in the graveyard next to the school. After she told the group, they ran out of there.

 When they had gotten a distance away and were catching their breath, the girl suddenly started screaming and trying to strangle herself with her own hands. The other team members tried to stop her from hurting herself, and one boy was bitten by her. Two girls fainted and one had to go to the hospital. Spooky stuff!

Of course, you can’t expect the same things to happen to you. When I went in, it had a creepy vibe, but I didn’t run into any ghosts in red, and I certainly was not possessed. It was still very scary though thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

Bhangarh Fort, India


About the town it was set up in 1573 by King Bhagwant Das who had two children. His elder child was Man Singh, the well-known General of Mughal Emperor Akbar and the younger one was Madho Singh. Bhagwant Das made Bhangarh for Madho Singh who lived and ruled Bhangarh his entire life.

Madho Singh named the city after his grandfather Man Singh who was otherwise called Bhan Singh and now the city is recognized as ” Bhangarh”. Bhangarh Fort might be famed for its haunted and mysterious presence, but it can be visited as a place that is beautiful and pleasant. The fort is not for the easily frightened (faint-hearted) people. It is rated as the most haunted place in the whole of India. India also has some other world’s most haunted places  thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

The most famous story behind the place

There is a belief about Bhangarh that the place is spooky, and nobody can set out to go there after sunset. A few ghost stories are behind the mysteries of the Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan. Out of the various stories about Bhangarh post one that is most predominant is that the Bhangarh city was work by King Madho Singh. For this city got endorsement by self-denying Guru Balu Nath who pondered at this place.

The endorsement was given on the condition that the shadow of ruler’s royal residence could never touch him at his place. If the shadow touched over his place, the city would transform into remnants. The king began his fort construction with his cash and quality. The fortification was built with a few stories lastly shadowed the restricted withdraw of Guru Balu Nath.

According to psychic energy of Saint, the whole town was demolished and as far back as any development around the pounded area or royal residence confronts crumple  thats why it comes in the list of top 5 most scariest place in the world.

4 Ways To Do Past Life Regression Meditation

4 Ways to Do a Past Life Regression Meditation

For a long time, past life regression was kind of taboo. It’s only very recently that past life regression meditations became popular.

Of course, many people still don’t believe in past lives. Others are unsure. Whether you know past lives are real for certain or you’re just exploring, my hope is that this post will give you some insight into the different methods you can use to do a past life regression.

These methods are accessible and easy for anyone! Go with your gut and try out the past life regression meditation method that feels right.

1. Use The Youtube Guided Session

4 Ways to Do a Past Life Regression Meditation

Brian Weiss is basically the past life master or guru in the spiritual community. He wrote one of the original books on past lives. He’s a super cool guy; he was a trained psychiatrist who believed only in science and accidentally discovered that past lives exist while hypnotizing a client.

Now, he’s one of the leading past-life regressionists. If you want to actually do a past-life regression (with your eyes closed by going into a deep meditation) and wish to see your own life, then I recommend using his guided regression on YouTube.

This video got popular on TikTok, but regardless of PR, it’s a great regression whether you’re a beginner or advanced.

The video is about 30 minutes long; you’ll want to make sure you have a quiet place where you can relax without interruptions. You’ll also want to make sure you aren’t too tired so you don’t accidentally fall asleep.

Don’t stress too much about the specifics and just give it a try! You may be surprised by how much you discover. This past-life regression meditation is especially good for anyone who can’t afford a session with a trained professional but doesn’t feel ready to do a self-guided meditation.

2.      Do A Self-Guided Past Life Regression Meditation

4 Ways to Do a Past Life Regression Meditation

If you feel ready or are naturally pretty strong during mediations, you can attempt a self-guided past-life regression meditation.

The process will be similar to the YouTube guided meditation (#1 in this list), but you will be guiding yourself.

You of course don’t need to actually speak the words in your head to guide yourself. You can simply visualize yourself taking the steps to walk through the relaxation period and then your past life.

With this method, it’s easy to get stuck in one potion of your past life. You’ll need to make sure that you continue to ask yourself: “What happens next?” in order to see a full life.

3.      Use Past Life Oracle Cards

4 Ways to Do a Past Life Regression Meditation

I love past life oracle cards. This is a simple way to do a past life reading without even closing your eyes.

My favorite past life oracle cards were created by Doreen Virtue and Brian Weiss, but Doreen Virtue is unfortunately no longer involved in spiritual practices, so these cards are no longer being sold.

They are available on Etsy, and I promise, it’s worth the wait in shipping time. These are the mini cards because they’re the only cards sold right now. Regardless, this is 100% the best past-life oracle deck.

4.      Book An Appointment With A Regressionist

4 Ways to Do a Past Life Regression Meditation

If you want to start off with a professional or even just want to experience what a full past life regression feels like, search on Google for a past life regressionist in your area.

You’ll want to check reviews in order to find a good regressionist. There are some certifications that these professionals can have, but they don’t generally speak to the quality of the sessions.

These sessions are usually 2-3 hours long and are very involved. If you have trouble meditating, this is a good place to start for a past life regression meditation.

The one caveat is that these sessions are generally very expensive. If you can afford it, then by all means give it a try.

If you’re tight on cash or feel nervous about having someone else experience your personal past life, then try out the YouTube guided meditation at the top of this list.

Remember, regardless of the method you choose, follow your gut and be open to receiving information in any form. Sometimes the Universe will send you messages in ways you don’t expect!

Top 7 Biggest Church in the World

Lets, Talk about 7 Biggest church in the world

Churches have for long, been not just symbols of religious dedication and holiness but also seats of political power and means to project royal authority. Commissioning magnificent and expensive churches was a way for the royals to show their financial power and their connection to the divine powers. Many of the churches in this list of most famous churches have a long political and religious history and have stood witness to some of the most dramatic events in human history and for that they are now in the list of biggest church in the world. They also show what dramatic results can be obtained by the combination of audacious engineering, ingenious architecture, and dedicated craftsmanship.


This church is also called the Church of Resurrection because it is believed to have been built on the land where Jesus was crucified and then resurrected. It is located in the Old City within Jerusalem in Israel and was built by the first generation of Christians in the world. It is one of the holiest sites for Christians and has been worshipped since the 4th century.
Additionally known as Church of the Resurrection or Church of the Anastasis it contains two holiest sites in Christianity, one site where Jesus of Nazareth was crucified known as “Calvary” in Latin and “Golgotha” in Greek and the other one is Jesus’s empty tomb where he is said to have been buried and resurrected and are now in the row of biggest church in the world.


This church was constructed in 1650 in Venice, Italy and is the most famous church in Venice. It is an example of Byzantine architecture. The first church located at this site was commissioned in 832 AD and has been rebuilt many times since then. Due to its striking architectural style, it draws many tourists.
One of the most famous churches of Venice and the finest example of Italo-Byzantine architecture officially known as the Basilica Cattedrale Patriarcale di San Marco and commonly famous among people as Saint Mark’s Basilica is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Venice, northern Italy and are now in biggest church in the world. It was burned down in 976 during an uprising, however, it was restored under his successor named Doge Domenico Contarini and the present basilica was completed in 1071.


One of the famous churches in the world is also the tallest building in the Reykjavík and the sixth tallest structure in the country. The church built at a height of 74.5 meters tall. The church was designed by the State Architect of Iceland, Guðjón Samuelsson in the year 1937 and built in the honor of Hallgrímur Pétursson, He is one of the best-known poets of Iceland. Because of the war, the construction was delayed that began in 1945. The design of the church was inspired by the Icelandic beauty of nature and are now in the row of biggest church in the world.


This famous church is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia and marks the exact center of the city. It was completed in 1561 under the reign of Ivan the Terrible and has a very colorful architecture unusual for a church. Like the Sagrada Familia, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is perhaps one of the most famous Churches in the world because it appears in many movies. We have also listed beautiful castles Built Around the World.
One of the most famous churches, Saint Basil’s Cathedral consists of nine chapels built on a single foundation and interior is a maze of galleries winding from the chapel to chapel equipped with narrow stairways and low arches and are now in the row biggest church in the world. The wall was decorated with floral and geometric patterns. The color and shape of the Saint Basil’s Cathedral are truly amazing and unmatched across the globe. The Saint Basil the Blessed can be visited in his chapel on the lower floor where he is placed in the silver casket in gaudy splendor.


This Roman Catholic Church is the seat of Papal power and is located in Vatican City, an enclave in Italy. This was designed at the height of the Renaissance by the famous artist Michelangelo and has the tallest dome in the world measuring more than 136 meters. It has become the most famous in the Vatican and one of the most popular tourist sites in Europe. This is the largest in the world with an internal area of 15160 square meters that stretches over 186 meters in length.
The largest Basilica of Christianity has a capacity of 60,000 people and there are many architects who have worked on the design of one of the most famous location in the world that includes Donato Bramante, Raphael, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Michelangelo, Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola, Giacomo Della Porta, Carlo Maderno, and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. One of the finest examples of Renaissance architecture is considered to be the holiest Catholic shrines and “greatest of all churches of Christendom”.


This famous church is situated in London and is one of the iconic buildings in the country. It was built in the 10th century and today is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Thames River and Westminster Palace are both located near the Abbey and the Gothic architecture draws many tourists each year. The Westminster Abbey is also the place for the burial and coronation of the royal family and national heroes so have special significance as a structure of national importance.
The Gothic abbey in the City of Westminster officially known as the Collegiate of St Peter at Westminster. The construction has been started by Henry III in 1245 and later declared as one of the most important Gothic buildings in the country. Later, the location has been expanded by the Chapel of Henry VII was added between 1503 and 1512. It has two western towers were built between 1722 and 1745 by Nicholas Hawksmoor and it was constructed from the Portland stone to an early example of a Gothic Revival design.


The next famous is also located in London, on top of a hill – the highest point in London. It is the seat of the Bishop of the England. This in its current form was built in the 17th century through its predecessor, the earlier St. Paul’s Cathedral was built in 604 AD.
One of the oldest and famous in England, St Paul’s Cathedral has one of the largest domes in the world. It measures around 112m and has numerous steps in it. The most visited area of the location is its whispering gallery that has an astonishing avant-garde design. The artist’s masterpiece has many pieces of artwork that are dated back to the Victorian Era to modern-day works. The iconic building is a source of inspiration for many movies that include Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, and Thor.

10 Female Pornstar Famous for their work

Top 10 Female Pornstar Famous For their Work

When we think of female pornstars, it is very often the image of a sultry blonde female pornstar that appears in our mind. Simple coincidence ? Certainly not ! Imagining a blonde pornstar in action makes sense when you know what these beautiful creatures are capable of ! And this list of the best blonde pornstars of X movies should confirm you in this idea.

1. Samantha Saint

This American beauty with bewitching eyes (but it won’t be easy to keep your gaze on those eyes) starts in porn at 24. She won several awards, notably for oral sex scenes or wild threesomes. She has more than 150 films to her credit, going from lesbian porn to hard films with several men naturally. And when we see the way she sucks, we understand why she won several awards.

2. Mia Malkova

Mia is a sublime girl, who will delight all the amateurs of natural blondes and ultra sexy bodies. Her perfect plastic and her natural suppleness make this American with Canadian, German and Irish origins one of the most appreciated blonde porn actresses in the world.

She is also part of our ranking of the best female pornstar !
Capable of everything, she even broke up with her husband to be able to shoot scenes with black actors freely! For her, hardcore is second nature.

3. Nicole Aniston

Nicole was only 23 years old when her career as a blonde pornstar began in full swing. You only have to look at her to understand that she is destined to become a star of the female porn industry, with her deep blue eyes, her generous breasts and that divine ass.

Although openly lesbian, she plays roles of Milf or naughty teacher who teaches sex to students or lucky male colleagues.

4. Kylie Page

Here is a blond female pornstar with natural curves, which will not leave insensitive those who love women with well placed shapes ! The young Kylie (she is only 21 years old) could be the porn star of tomorrow.

She gives blowjobs with an undisguised desire and seems to take great pleasure in being fucked during scenes with several people. She often has this role of naive or naughty girl and seems to be a very good babysitter.

5. Lexi Belle

A natural beauty, with the right shapes in the right place. The young woman started in female porn in 2006 and performed her first fellatio in front of the camera ! Since then, she’s come a long way and has had a string of shoots and partners, discovering the joys of sex in all its forms: anal, bukkake, gangbang…

Lexi claims her love for Star Wars, which makes her even more attractive to all geeks.

6. Shawna Leneé

The perfect body of this blonde pornstar will certainly not leave you speechless. And she knows very well how to play with it, during strip tease in fine lingerie, or much more hots scenes! Shawna works with the biggest porn production companies and likes to oscillate between solitary pleasure and shared pleasure!

A sexy and confident woman, who radiates the screen.

7. Briana Banks

Attention, bombshell on the horizon! Briana Banks quickly left Germany for America, but she kept from her mother country a physique that leaves no room for doubt. Blonde, tall and slender, with blue eyes and an opulent chest, we quickly know that she is a German porn actress!

Her specialty is the deep throat, but she likes to shoot double penetration scenes or the hardest possible ass/mouth sequences. Her ability to make her partners cum in abundance gives her a worldwide reputation, which will sometimes earn her the name of Queen of porn!
At 40 years old today, she is the perfect cougar!

8. Abigaile Johnson

Abigaile is one of the prettiest pornstars we know and may be the favorite of X lovers! She could be included in our ranking of the best porn actresses, as it is difficult to resist this delicious look that she seems to throw at each appearance on the screen.

We love her when she plays the naive young woman as much as when she devours her partners with an unfeigned sexual appetite. Her perfect curves and delicate breasts will make you want to share all your sexual fantasies with her.

9. Kenzie Taylor

Since her debut as a blonde porn actress in 2015, when she was only 20 years old, Kenzie Taylor has been noticed for her gorgeous breasts and her tongue that seems to work miracles when she goes over her partners’ sexes or vaginas. In 2018, she decided to get a boob job, to make them rounder and even more massive! In fact, she is one of the sexiest pornstar with big boobs.

She has performed in hundreds of hardcore scenes, from the ultra-hot mother-in-law to the unfaithful wife or the superheroine in search of pleasure, with a disconcerting naturalness. She is not yet 30 years old and we can easily predict a few more years of intense sex in the industry, given her wild performances.

10. Andi Anderson

Andi Anderson is 36 years old but she looks much younger, which allows her to play both Teen and naughty Milfs roles. This sexy American likes to use her luscious lips to give pleasure to her partners, and she assumes her vulgar bimbo side by receiving and then spreading jets of semen on her face.

This blond porn actress is a small model – 1m60 for 52 kg – which does not prevent her from taking in all sizes of sex. And what about her fake cries of pain when she practices anal? A real delight for blondie lovers.


  1. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:D6B_1107_-_Samantha_Saint_%2812062239254%29.jpg
  2. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13839535/adult-star-mia-malkova-buys-porn-castle-avicii/
  3. https://wallpapers-fenix.eu/Girls/537/18083/
  4. https://www.uludagsozluk.com/k/kylie-page/
  5. https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/32622232454.html?gatewayAdapt=Msite2Pc
  6. https://www.amazon.ca/Lexi-Belle-Poster-18-24/dp/B07PMHS7VP
  7. https://www.roxgo.cl/gallery/image/810-briana-bank/
  8. https://9gag.com/gag/aKgY64N
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  10. https://fairusage.org/photos/17414588/andi-anderson/andi-anderson-andi-anderson/

When do Pregnancy Symptoms Start


Are you pregnant?
What are the signs or symptoms of pregnancy? And when do pregnancy symptoms start occurring after conception?
According to doctors, the symptoms of pregnancy can start showing in a female after the first weeks of conception. when do pregnancy symptoms start when a woman conceives after an egg gets fertilized and attaches itself to her uterus or womb.

When this happens, the woman will start experiencing certain changes within her. These changes are what are referred to as the early symptoms of pregnancy and when do pregnancy symptoms start?
There are many symptoms of pregnancy that a woman will experience. In this article we are going to take a look at the most common of these symptoms when do pregnancy symptoms start after it .

If you are a woman who is experiencing one or more of them, then there is a high likelihood that you are pregnant

Early pregnancy symptoms
The following are some of the most common pregnancy symptoms that a majority of women will experience when they are pregnant:

1. Breasts get swollen and tender

One of the most common signs of pregnancy is a change in the breasts. Not long after a woman conceives, her breasts might begin to feel sore and very sensitive. They might also become tender. According to doctors, the reason this normally happens is because of hormonal changes that are occurring during pregnancy. Women also tend to experience soreness in the breasts and the breasts begin to feel fuller and change shape because they are getting themselves ready to start producing milk for the baby.

2. Frequent urination

Women tend to find themselves urinating more frequently than they did prior to getting pregnant. This is as a result of hormonal changes leading to an increased volume of blood in their system. As a result, the kidneys to start working even harder and producing more urine. 

3. Nausea sets in

Another very common early sign of pregnancy is the setting in of nausea or morning sickness. The nausea sometimes comes alone or accompanied with frequent vomiting. Not all women experience this, but the majority of women do experience morning sickness during pregnancy. Morning sickness normally starts between four and six weeks of being pregnancy.

In some women, the nausea leads to frequent vomiting. Although it is called morning sickness, it can strike at any time of day. Presently doctors are not sure exactly what causes nausea in prego women. But it is highly likely that hormonal changes might be partly or fully responsible for this.

4. Frequent feeling of tiredness or fatigue

Exhaustion is also another very common sign of pregnancy. Here, the woman might constantly be feeling tired even though she might have not engaged in a strenuous activity that warrants the fatigue.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the fatigue that women feel during early stages of pregnancy is as a result of an increased level of the pregnancy hormone progesterone in the body which makes one to feel tired and sleepy. This is the reason why almost every woman that gets prego experiences fatigue.

5. Cravings and aversions for certain foods

Another typical sign of pregnancy is the sudden like and dislike of certain foods. When a woman is prego, she might suddenly find herself strongly disliking certain foods that she used to love very much. The woman might also find herself developing very strong cravings for certain foods.

Doctors say that this sudden food aversions and cravings that women experience during pregnancy can be linked to hormonal changes once again.

6. Missing period

I guess this goes without saying that it is the most obvious sign that a woman is pregnant. The moment a woman gets pregnant she seizes having her periods. This is the reason why a missing period normally is one of the first things many women use to detect whether they are pregnant or not and go for a pregnancy test when do pregnancy symptoms start after it.

A missing period is especially a sure sign that a woman is pregnant if she is one who experiences her period on a regular basis but just suddenly misses it. But it must be known that a missed period does not all the time mean that a woman.

There are other things besides pregnancy that can lead to a missed period such as stress or being on certain medications and diets.

7. Mood swings

Many pregnant women tend to experience mood swings very frequently. This minute they are happy and the next minute they are sad for no apparent reason. Doctors say that the mood swings in women come about as a result of the massive amounts of hormonal changes going on within.

8. Frequent feeling of dizziness

Dizziness is another quite common thing that women experience from time to time. Doctors say that the dizziness women experience during pregnancy comes as a result of the fact that blood vessels in women increase when they are and that leads to the blood pressure dropping. The drop of the blood pressure causes a feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness in the pregnant woman.

9. Implantation bleeding

This is also a very common sign of the early stage of pregnancy. The implantation bleeding is a slight bleeding that most women experience during the first weeks after conception. The implantation bleeding comes about as a result of the fertilized egg of the woman getting attached to the lining of her uterus or womb.

The implantation bleeding normally occurs during the woman’s menstrual period and lasts for a very short time. Many women mistake this for their normal period.

10. Constipation sets in

Many women that get pregnant experience constipation. According to health experts, there could be a variety of reasons why women tend to suffer from constipation. One of the reasons this happens is because of the hormonal changes occurring. Doctors say the hormonal changes can affect the digestive system of the woman in a way that can cause it to slow down and lead to constipation.

Health experts also say that the constipation that women suffer from can also come about as a result of too much pressure on the bladder caused by the uterus or womb pressing on it, which coupled with the hormonal changes, can cause constipation.

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  1. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/boobs-feel-heavy-and-sore
  2. https://www.healthxchange.sg/women/urology/common-urinary-problems-women-frequent-urination-urgency
  3. https://www.manhattangastroenterology.com/are-you-having-nausea-immediately-after-eating/
  4. https://www.rafflesmedicalgroup.com/health-resources/health-articles/what-is-the-definition-of-fatigue/
  5. https://www.utphysicians.com/comfort-food-and-covid-19/
  6. https://www.healthshots.com/intimate-health/menstruation/does-missing-a-period-mean-youre-pregnant-this-is-what-a-gynaecologist-has-to-say/
  7. https://www.insider.com/guides/health/conditions-symptoms/is-dizziness-serious
  8. https://www.beingtheparent.com/implantation-bleeding/
  9. https://longevity.technology/lifestyle/constipation-symptoms-causes-treatment-and-prevention/