Dogs are one of the most friendly creatures in the world . There are some most attractive dog breeds in the world .

1. Siberian Husky

Known for their ability to pull sleds across Arctic snow, the Husky is one of the most popular dog in the world.
If you want attention just walk down the street with one of these dogs. Being one of the popular dog breeds, they attract lots of it!
Huskies are also well known for their almost human like vocalizations. There are countless videos of Huskies saying “ I love you” and “ Hello”. It is important to note that Siberian Husky are not an animal for someone who is inexperienced with owning a Husky. They need a lot of exercise and are not easy to train in hot weather.

2. German Shepherd

Most commonly known for being police k9 units and military dogs, the German Shepherd is incredibly smart and hardworking. They love having a job. This breed has been used for search and rescue, police, military, bomb detection, tracking and protection work.
Because of this, they need a lot of exercise to avoid behavioral and health problems. When getting a German Shepherd, make sure he is from a reputable breeder to avoid unwanted traits such as aggressiveness.

3. Golden Retriever

There is no breed as devoted and affectionate as the Golden Retriever. They are the absolute best family dogs. This is probably why it’s one of the most popular breeds.
These sweet pups get along with everyone, even small children. They crave attention.
Generally, Golden Retrievers do great with obedience training and bark when greeting people. They can adapt to any living situation, but they do need several daily walks and toys to play with.
They are also great swimmers. Golden Retrievers are shedders, so they need to be brushed a few times a week. They are most among the very few dogs who are generally very adaptive and friendly with everyone including there owners.

4. Labrador Retriever

The Lab is one of the best, if not the best, all around dog. It’s no surprise that they are the most popular dog breeds in the world.
They are family dogs and want to be involved in every activity with owners.
Labs have something called a “soft mouth” which means that they can be extremely gentle with their mouths, even being able to carry an egg without cracking it.
Along with being one of the most popular species , Labs are extremely trainable and genuinely want to please their owners.
This makes them perfect for jobs like being a service or narcotics detector dog. Labrador Retriever adapt to their surroundings, but do need daily vigorous walks, playtime and the occasional swim. Labs actually have webbed feet, which makes them great swimmers.

5. Great Dane

The Great Dane is known for his size. This distinct feature got them ranked as one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. There was a Great Dane named Zeus that holds the Guinness Book of World Records for the world Tallest Dog.
He stood 7 feet 4 inches tall on his hind legs, and 44 inches from foot to withers. Unfortunately, Zeus died at age 5.
These big guys love to play and are very sociable.
The Great Dane is certainly an attention grabber and can be picked out of any crowd.
They are one of the most popular creatures because they are gentle giants.
If you’re thinking of adopting a Great Dane, you’ll need to be sure you have a very big couch.