

1. The Golden Dart Frog

Found only in the dense rain forests of western Colombia, the golden dart frog secretes enough glistening poison from its skin to kill 10 to 20 humans—so imagine the results when this tiny amphibian is gobbled up by a small, furry, unsuspecting mammal.

Only one species of snake, Liophis epinephelus, is resistant to this frog's poison, but it can still be killed by sufficiently large doses. Interestingly enough, the golden dart frog derives its poison from its diet of indigenous ants and beetles; specimens raised in captivity, and fed on fruit flies and other common insects, are completely harmless.

2. The Inland Taipan

It's a good thing the inland taipan has such a gentle disposition: the venom of this Australian snake is the most powerful in the reptile kingdom, a single bite containing enough chemicals to kill a hundred full-grown humans.

For the record, the inland taipan's venom is composed of a rich stew of neurotoxins, hemotoxins, myotoxins and nephrotoxins, which basically means it can dissolve your blood, brain, muscles and kidneys before you hit the ground.

They can just kill u in a way you cant imagine and for the prevention of these type of poisonous animal you have to take prevention of going in there land and their area so, that you are safe and you dont have any choice to fight with there poisonous body.

3. The Marble Cone Snail

If you've never had the occasion to use the phrase "predatory sea snail," then you clearly don't know enough about the breadth and diversity of marine life that can kill you with one bite. Conus marmoreus, the marbled cone snail and they are very rare kind of snails.

They are very precious for people to earn from them and in some countries people eat poisonous animals like them, immobilizes its prey (including other cone snails) with a toxic venom that can easily exterminate a careless human.

How, you may ask, does this mollusk deliver its poison? Well, intense muscular contractions fire a harpoon-shaped tooth into the prey's skin, at which point the snail retracts its tooth and eats its paralyzed victim at leisure.

4. The Hawksbill Turtle

Unlike some of the other animals on this list, hawksbill turtles aren’t exactly petite: full-grown individuals weigh between 150 and 200 pounds, about as much as the average human. These turtles have a worldwide distribution and they are very commomly poisonous animal. 

5. The Blue-Ringed Octopus

If the phrase "silent but deadly" applies to any animal, it's the blue-ringed octopus of the Indian and Pacific oceans. This modestly sized cephalopod the largest specimens rarely exceed eight inches delivers an almost painless bite when agitated, the venom of which can paralyze and kill an adult human in only a few minutes.

Appropriately enough, the blue-ringed octopus features in the James Bond flick Octopussy as the tattooed mascot of an order of female assassins, and it also plays a crucial role in the Michael Crichton thriller State of Fear, where its venom is employed by yet another shadowy syndicate of international villains.

There are very rare and poisonous animals and they have a very good nature of making there body and mind so using fast and they can easily think about their enimies.

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